Chap 3

354 10 5

Sorry 4 the slow updates, I'm going through personal and mental  issues, and it's been hard to write
(And also i got possessed so yeh/ srs 😀)

Tw/Cw: language, gay shit,

Dream pov: (while getting popcorn)
I just realized, George doesn't know what I look like or my name..
(It's gonna be hard for him to scream it if he doesn't know it/j )
I chuckle at my own dirty joke.


I take the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in a bowl,then i go to the couch over to The omega.

I sit down and take off my mask
"Oh also my name is Dream"
I look down at him, he's staring back at me, almost studying me as his cheeks turn pink
"Take a picture, it'll last longer"
his face got redder making me laugh
"Drop it, will ya?!"
"Anything for you~"
I said starting the film
(I hated this part)


We're almost at half of the film and George seems to be falling asleep, his eyelids closing more and more frequently.


2 minutes later he's asleep, his head falling on my shoulder. I take the opportunity and put my arm around his shoulder then lay down with him now on top of me. I turn the tv off and cuddle with the omega, my nose in his hair, taking in his sweet sent while I fall asleep

Next day, 6:45 am.
George pov:
I wake up to sun light beaming through the windows, I remember the events of last night as my memory gets less foggy. when I look down I see the alpha « Dream » under me, his arms around my waist. I try to getwout of his grasp but it doesn't seem to work. He's really weird, he acts all friendly and flirty when he kidnapped me! He acts like he wants to fuck me or smth, ain't gonna happen. I'm not saying that he's not attractive, that would be lying. It doesn't mean I'm gonna be buddy buddy with him..

I just wanna see my family again.. I miss dad, Alyssa too, I'll never see them again...
I'll never go home..I hope the others are ok, I'm already on thin ice, I couldn't handle it if one of them got hurt. It's not fair, they took me away for what?? To mate me?? Because they need more omegas?? Just because they wanted to?!It's not fair, I'm a person!! I did nothing to deserve this!! Now I don't know where I am, I'll never go back home, I'm probably gonna die!!

The worst is that I'm in the arms of the person who put me in this situation and I hate that i'm not hating it.
It shouldn't be comforting! I should be scared of him. He said that no one would hut me but it doesn't mean I don't wanna go home!!

I am stopped in my train of thoughts by a groan, it's the alpha. I must've let hurt hormones out.
I need to calm down, the last thing I want is him getting mad at me for waking him up..

I look down at him,
His blond locks are covering his eyes, i place them behind his ear. He doesn't look ugly, dangerous or scary..
I hate it.
I hate his freckles, they look like stars. If I connected them they would look like constellations. It's stupid how he looks and acts nice, he makes me question if I should hate him with his "look how I look and act perfect and nice🥺 look I'm so hot you wouldn't mind if I-" WAIT NO!! STOP THAT GEORGE! IN HORNY JAIL!!

I look down at his lips.. In other circumstances they would probably look very kissable.. But I wouldn't know that haha
(George just say he's hot ur embarrassing yourself)
His eyes flutter open, he shuts them immediately after, trying to pretend to still be asleep while his cheeks get pink.
I sight "I know you're awake.."
Please don't get mad Please don't get mad Please don't get mad Please don't get mad..
he groans and rolls on the side, now spooning me and puts his head on my neck
"Five more minutes.."
Nope. nope. nope. nope. Too close
"Please get off.."


He huffs, clearly annoyed and get up, making his way to the kitchen and making himself a coffee. I get up too and sit on the kitchen island. I hope it's ok for me to do that.
(Dream's making a coffee, he doesn't take breakfast and George is too afraid to ask or to get something for himself)
"Can I ask you questions ?''
He turns around and look at me, smiling
"Of course you can gogs"
Gogs?? Seriously? -_-
"Am I gonna stay here forever? Why did you take me here? What are you gonna do to me? Is there anything I'm not aloud to do?"
''I'm sorry but you can't go home. We took you and other omegas here because our pack has a serious lack of omegas and since we had problems with your pack for a while you guys were the best choice. You're gonna stay with me and I won't do anything to you. Maybe we can become friends when you're more comfortable around me. You can't get out of the apartment for now but maybe I'll let you soon. If you need anything ask me, also there's a nesting room at the end of this hallway, there's everything you could need for.. you know.. that time..." He mumbled his cheeks turning pink
"Can I see my friends? Please?"
"Maybe next week.. I have a lot of work and can't let you unsupervised, i'll see what I can do.I'm gonna go to work. If you need anything use the phone on the bedside table, it's connected to a phone on my office. See you tonight." He said, getting out and locking the door behind him

...he realizes he's still in pajamas right?!

I decided to go to the nesting room he talked about, I opened a large closet, inside we could find blankets and clothes of all sizes and colors. George picked his favourites. Placing them on the large mattress in the corner of the room. He got out of the nesting room and sprinted to the bedroom, grabbing some of Dreams clothes and placing them on his nest. Don't ask. He tied the biggest blanket to metal bars neatly placed on the two corners of the bed that weren't against the wall, making himself a fort-like nest. He then rearranged the inside and got inside. Forgetting his situation and problems, just relaxing.

(This is not a scene that's necessary i just wanted big q content)

Dream pov:
I went to my office, sitting at my desk, today nothing was planned so I didn't bother to dress.
While I was getting the files I needed to work on Quakity bursted in, looking kinda panicked.
"Dream!! Is it true that we took the omega Jorje?!"
" Yes, he's with me. This is why you need to come to the meetings."
"Quakity where do you even know him from?"
"Before I joined the pack I was friends with Jorje, karlos and bIg DaDdY"
"Soo.. karl and?"
"But you said you were a lone wolf?! Did you lie?"
"No, i visited them sometimes tho"
"Ok, this is valuable information, thank you Quakity. Do you know where sapnap is?"
"Probably dead, or getting a makeover? Idk"
"He's with karlos, one time he tried to kill me making me drink nail polish.."
"What. The. Fuck.
Quakity go get him please, i need him for this paperwork."
At that Quakity left without a word. I'm so tired of his bullshit..
apparently he's friends with some of the omegas, I could use that in some way..

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