Chap 2 (new version)

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I deleted chap 2 so the last thing that happened is George fainting is the car
⚠️tw/cw⚠️: panic attack, kidnapping, smiley face, swearing

George's head hurt like crazy as he started gaining his senses back, falling back into consciousness. After 2 minutes he was fully awake and looking around the fancy bedroom he was in frantically, he was in a king sized bed wich was definitely not his, a door and big windows seemed his only ways to escape. He ran to the door, it was opened, leading to a living room and a small but fancy kitchen. He noticed 2 doors in the living room. One was locked and the othe led to a bathroom with the same big windows that were in the rest of the apartment. He looked down one of the windows, he was at least in the 6th floor of the building, he couldn't jump from here. Panic started filling his body as the adrenaline fell and he started to realize. He was stuck in here. It hit him like a truck, he let his body slide to the ground, getting in a fetal position. The pack Who attacked his were probably the ones who took him, he was an omega, that means the only reason they took him was either to mate him or to keep him as an hostage. He was fucked

George pov:
What are they gonna do to me??!
What happened to the others??!
Why am I here??!
I feel my eyes starting to water, I just let the tears flow, trying to block out my thoughts and try to focus on my breathing to not hyperventilate.

Just when I started to calm down I hear the door opening..

20 mins before:
Dream pov:
I put the omega down on the bed, he's so pretty.. Sapnap wouldn't stop bugging me about the fact that I « acted like a puppy around him» and sh*t.. not true. And anyway how could you not?! I mean look at him!! He's so cute and smart and handsome and he smells good!! He could get anyone's heart!
glad snapmap's gone so I can spend some time with George before going back to work
(Dream this is not spending time w him you're watching him sleep you creepy ass bitch)
I look down at the brunette, I've never been this close to him before, His hair looks really fluffy, I seat down on the bed and start playing with it, still worried I might wake him, he doesn't look like he'll wake up anytime soon tho..
I start studying his face, His rosy cheeks dusted with almost unnoticeable freckles, his small nose,his pink lips..


3rd person pov:
« Boss!! »
« Quakity..what do you want. » said dream, obviously pissed
« It's urgent »
At that pissed pissbaby made his way to the reunion room, leaving George to his biggest regret.

Back to present time
3rd person pov :
On his way back from the meeting, Dream was pissed, a spy had been discovered on their territory and they wouldn't say who send them, or talk at all for that matter.

As soon as he opened the door his mad expression changed to a worried one, seeing that George was sitting on the floor crying.

George/3rd person pov:
I didn't even dare to look at the person at the door. Tears were still rolling down my face as I heard them walking towards me, am I gonna die??

« George look at me »
The voice sounded reassuring and calm, kinda familiar.. from where through??

I listened, but when I looked up, it was him, the masked alpha with the terrifying smiley face :)
"You are the alpha from the shop?''
"Yeah, that's me! :)"
He sounded happy, what is happening?!
"Are you okay, you were crying.. :)"
"No, of course not!!! What the hell is happening, who are you, where am I, am I gonna die, what the fuck is going on?!"
"Wow,you do have a lot of questions. Well you are at my house, we took you and other omegas during our attack to your pack. Of course you are not gonna die, I won't let anything happen to you. Oh and you will be staying with me from now on. :)"
He seemed hurt but didn't want to show it, why the fuck is he acting like that?!
"Oh come on now, no one died, I am not a killer. A few of your friends were probably taken too. If you stay calm and act like a good boy I can probably make yo guys meetup later this week. But you have to stop yelling!:)"
I don't trust him but I have to listen, he could hurt me or the others.
" good boy:)."
" Whatever..."
Ok that's like lowkey hot but whatever, bet he hides his face because he is ugly as fuck

" what do you wanna do now?:)''
"Nothing with you.''
"Georgie you're mean, now go sit on the couch and wait for me.:)''
I hate the nickname but decided to not bring it up, so I went in the fancy living room and sat on the couch, waiting for him like he asked me to, using the time to understand what was happening

Apparently I am stuck with him, he acts friendly but I'm not that dumb. He kidnapped me, attacked my pack and he maybe didn't kill but sure did hurt someone.
+he didn't even show me his face nor told me his name
I can't trust him

He came back with a bowl of popcorn and sat down right next to me
"Oh yeah, my name is Dream by the way :)"
He told me, grabbing his mask..

Wait what?!

He took of his mask and sighted in relief.
This doesn't change the fact that I don't like him but HOLLY HONK HE'S HOT! I studied every single one of his features, trying to find a flaw..

not a single one.


Who is this man?!

C'mon George, he's not THAT hot

'' take a picture, it'll last longer''
He said, his voice breaking in a wheese at the end. At that, I turned bright red and looked away. He grabbed the remote of the big tv,still laughing
"Drop it, will you?"
"Anything for you~"
He chuckled, putting on a film. Pretty boring, honestly I am half asleep and the only thing keeping me awake is the fear of what the alpha could do to me if I fell asleep, but I know the tiredness will win, it always does..
I do have a praise kink, what abt it 🤨

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