Chapter 17: Techadon Sid on a rampage, A ghost appears

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Lincoln was dodging laser blasts from the Techadon Possessed Sid Chang while attempting to get the unconscious Lola and Lana out of the blast zone.

Sid: You will not take away my power that has chosen me! You try and I'll show you no mercy!!!

Lincoln was dodging the laser blasts as he ran to the unconscious Lola and Lana, carrying them over his shoulder and runs towards the stairs.

Sid: Get back here!!

Sid chases after him. Lincoln reaches the door to open it but the door wouldn't open as it was heavily stuck (thanks to Sid), he cursed under his breath as he saw the possessed Sid approaching and fast. Lincoln quickly activated his omnitrix and transformed into Humungousaur to break down the door, getting out of the basement and alerting the others who were searching for Sid downstairs. Frightwig nearly jumped from the couch and turns to Lincoln (Humungousaur), who was carrying Lola and Lana while the Techadon possessed Sid came out of the basement.

Frightwig: What the heck is going on here?!

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Sid's gone crazy! She's possessed by the Techadon machine!

Sid: Raaaaaahhhhh!!!

Lincoln (Humungousaur) braces himself while protecting Lola and Lana as Sid was blasting lasers at him. Luna, Sam, Benny, Darcy, Lynn, Polly Pain, Francisco run out of the halls while Ben, Lisa, Ronnie Anne, Lori, Renee, Tabby, Clyde & Rocky came from running from upstairs, seeing Sid in her new form.

Ronnie Anne: Oh no...

Sid stops firing at Lincoln (Humungousaur) and turns to stare at the group, especially Ronnie Anne with a creepy grin.

Sid: So... The gang's all here... now all of you know my secret thanks to a certain traitor! (Glares at Ronnie Anne)

Ronnie Anne: Sid, you're not yourself! You need help!

Sid: I don't want your help! I thought you were my friend & you would be happy for me that I got this cool armor but now you and the others wanna take it away from me!!

Ben: Sid, trust me when I say this... you don't want this kind of power. I saw what that living robot armor did to my old bully & he manage to get out of the Techadon's grip. Don't let yourself go down the same road he almost went through.

Sid: I have no quarrel with you, Ben... this is between me and Santiago here. If you or anyone else try to take what's mine... Like Maggie, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln, I'll show no mercy to you.

Polly Pain: That robotic suit is making her crazy.

Sid: Crazy... (growls) I'll show you... CRAZY!!!

Sid starts firing lasers at everyone, who tried to get away but Polly, Francisco, Renee, Tabby, Darcy, Clyde, Benny, Rocky and Sam were hit and knocked out by the lasers.

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Oh no!!

Lynn: That tears it!

Lynn activated her omnitrix and turns into Fourarms, tackling Sid back into the basement.

Ben: Frightwig, Ronnie Anne, Lincoln and Luna, get the others and take them upstairs! Myself, Lisa, Lynn and Lori will handle Sid!

Lincoln (Humungousaur) Got it!

Frightwig: (glares) What am I? A personal assistant or something?! Sigh... fine.

While Ben, Lori and Lisa ran downstairs, Lincoln (Humungousaur) carries the unconscious Lola and Lana while Luna transforms into Blitzwolfer to carry Tabby and Sam, Frightwig carries Darcy and Rocky in her arms while using her hair to carry Renee, Benny, Clyde, Francisco and Polly Pain as everyone went upstairs except for Ronnie Anne.

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