Chap-3Thechild in a black silkcloth

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It was morning and a lovely day,not too hot and not too cold, just the perfect weather for a nice family trip.

As a brown haired man with dark brown eyes was driving the car, a 5 year old boy who seemed to be the man's son, was whining about something; while a lady with red hair and aquatic blue eyes was laughing with the man; while the kid just pouted and folded his arms while staring at the floor.

"Fine! If you're not going to buy me videogames then, what about a little baby sister? Or a brother?" he asked.

"Noah..why do you want baby sisters and brothers, suddenly?"asked the woman softly, furrowing her 'brows.

"They're so cute mommy!! And forget about brother, I need a baby sister!! Oh if she would come into the family then- then I won't play alone at home anymore!"said the boy excitedly.

"But kiddo, you know that you can't have any siblings, right? We talked about this.." the man said softly, his concerned eyes on the road.

"I want a little sister!!baby sister!!baby sister!!!" the kid whined loudly by the second, his mother tried to soothe the child but couldn't manage to do so; while the kid's whines kept distracting the man.

Suddenly, a spark of purple flashed in front of the car, quickly being replaced by mesmerizing deep purple.
But everything happened so quickly, the man hit the break with lightning speed and jumped out of the car, while his wife, followed closely behind him.

"Eva, sit in the car with Noah, I'll check." the man said, but it was no use since the said kid was already out of the car, and there was no way he was going inside easily now.

The man just sighed and made sure the mother and son pair were behind him in case anything went wrong.

The light had already faded, and there was a soothing cool wind blowing. There was no one at all, on the road as usual, but what they saw next, made the couple's heart go to their throats.

A child wrapped in a black silk cloth, with something shiny and a paper tucked between the cloth. AND a black panther with light silver eyes, covering the baby with its black fur.

It was as if it was protecting the baby.
"Black Panther!!!" shrieked Noah with excitement.

The Panther looked startled for a second, then looked at the couple's direction, then at the five year old boy; and then it tilted it's head, as if confused.

As Eva looked at the baby covered in black cloth, her heart ached to hold the child and protect it from the beast.

Subconsciously, she started walking towards the Panther, which had covered the baby by its fur. When Andrew saw his wife walking towards the Panther, he walked forward too, to get to her quickly.

As for the kid, well; the Panther stood up suddenly as the woman reached near and picked the baby up.

The Panther hadn't taken two steps towards the child even, when the boy suddenly jumped and hugged the Panther (ಥ‿ಥ) what is wrong with this kid?  The Panther which had just terrified the couple out of their trance, surprised them to death as the Panther just nuzzled her head over the boy's back.

That's when the couple felt a little out of danger, it seemed as if the she panther was actually gentle towards the kids. That's why she seemed to have been keeping this baby warm, all this time. But it was still a wild beast so the couple was little cautious, and tried to take the boy away from the panther.

The Panther then gently nudged the five year old towards the couple, as it neared the baby in the woman's arms.

The woman, Eva was terrified as she saw the wild animal getting near the sleeping little baby in her arms. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around the baby in a protective way.

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