If your a witness to this situation please pm me!
[⚠️ Mentions Suicide⚠️]
Lets start off by saying that this whole thing is messed up. Like very messed up.
The person that I'm talking about is EliahBoops. They posted a suicide note on their message board to all of their followers. Sadly they haven't gotten any words from her as much as I know. But from the messages a hater took it a bit far,and this caused her to claim how she sucked and many other things.
At one point she sent her last message...
Thanks to info I was able to locate who had been the hater...
EliahsGoneHooray,EliahsGoneFinally and finally
Alice_The_ArianatorI will make a page for these haters because I would like for this one to show all who helped me find this info..
Special thanks to..