New Friends

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Chapter 4

New Friends

Olive P.O.V

Friday was finally here. This entire week had been very different compared to my other weeks. Different how you ask? Simple he goes by the name Jake! I met him on Monday when Rique saw the soccer coach talking to the team and decided to catch up with him since she hadn't spoken to him for a long time. Carmen and I stood back and watched while Rique animatedly spoke to coach Ronald. Carmen and I were cracking jokes when we noticed that the team was dispersing. As usual the two of us not so subtly checked out most of them, but the two of us didn't seem to notice the 'star' player of the team Jake Ryder approach us. The two of us got along pretty well... surprisingly!

The highlight of the week was when Jake figured out who Rique was! He actually hit his head on the wall!! Man that was fun to watch! But on a serious note I couldn't be happier that I met him! He is a weird mix of qualities which he seems to pull off quite well! His good qualities are that he is sweet, quite good at giving advice, helps Rique with her fitness training, hilarious and kind (this is what I've learnt about him in a week! Don't judge!) His bad qualities are he has a bucket load of arrogance; he is full of himself, smirks way too much and is just way too social! Okay maybe the last one is not a bad thing but to me it is! 'That's because you're jealous that he has more friends than you!' Gee thanks my lovely conscience! Your timing is brilliant! NOT!

My first few classes today was pretty laid back since most of the teachers were telling us to revise for the cycle tests that were going to start next week. Urgh! Great! I just had to remind myself of the stupid tests! The bell for my fourth period rang signalling that it was the end of accounts class! Praise the lord! Now before you call me mean let me just tell you what happens in accounts. She walks in, she grumbles about how we don't care about the subject and that we are not working hard enough and basically that we all suck in the subject (which is not true since almost the entire class gets above 90% in her tests) and then she ends up doing only one sum. So imagine that you had to listen to this on repeat every single day for 12 months!

Quickly stuffing my books into my locker I take out the books that I would need for the class after lunch. I slam my locker door close and spin on my heel and speed walk to the lawn that is located outside the cafeteria. I push open the doors and see that a few people have come outside to eat lunch either alone or with a few of their friends. I walk to the usual spot where Rique, Carmen and I usually sit during lunch. When I reach the spot I see that they had not come as yet! Let out a grumble I plonk down under the tree and lean my back against the bark of the tree. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and listen to the very soft but slightly audible chirp of birds. Sometimes I just love nature!

Suddenly I feel a presence next to me. No wait; make that a... group of people? Wait, What? "Um Olive are you meditating or something?" said Carmen with humour laced in her tone. Opening one eye I look at her "Ha ha ha that was so funny that I forgot that I had to laugh!" I replied back to her when my voice dripping with sarcasm and a tinge of boredom. Suddenly I heard a group of guys chuckling and it sounded like they were standing behind Carmen. I move just a little bit to look past Carmen and Rique to see Jake and a four other guys standing there looking constipated. Why do they all look constipated? "Why do all of you look constipated?" I asked them like as if I ask almost everybody that. All it took was for me to ask them that question and all five of them keeled over, clutching their stomachs and roaring with laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows together as confusion took over as to why they were laughing. Did I miss something? Oh god! Please tell me that I do not have something on my face! I quickly swiped my hands across my face to check if there was something there but there was nothing. Then what the heck are they laughing about?

I looked over at Carmen to see her chuckling while Rique is laughing except not as bad as the five boys. Okay that's enough! Time to find out the joke! "What in the ding dong bells are you pedestrians laughing about?" I questioned them when they all had sat down next to me with a stupid grin on their faces. Again they all, and this time I'm including Rique and Carmen, started laughing like hyenas! What the heck?! Before I could question them Jake put up his hands as signal to tell me to stay quite. Okay.... Now what? They all calmed down and looked back at me. They all had pink faces with slightly teary eyes from all the laughing they had been doing and so rudely left me out of! "Before you say anything else that will make all of us die of laughter let me introduce you to my real group of friends" said Jake as he exaggerated on the real part. Apparently he is not the stupid jock that plays around with girls... or at least that's what he has told me and asked me to keep it as a secret. I have no clue why it is a secret! I nodded as gesture to tell him to continue but I was confused as to what he meant by 'I say anything else that will make them laugh'? He pointed his finger to a boy that sat next to him with a huge grin on his face "this is ugly over here is Thomas" he said jokingly while Thomas playfully scowled and elbowed him in the stomach. I smiled politely and waved to him to which Thomas got excited and practically started bouncing slightly while he sat down with a slightly hyper wave. Note the sarcasm. When Jake recovered from the jab he straightened up and moved his finger to the next guy who sat beside Thomas. "This is Jonathan" he said while looking at me making sure that I was looking at the right guy. I nodded and did the same thing that I did for Thomas but Jonathan actually spoke to me and said "You can call me Jon" with a large grin on his face. I nodded at him and looked at the guy next to Jon that was lying down on his stomach with his head in hands with a kind smile on his face. "This is Toby and the doofus next to him is his cousin Sherlock" said Jake. Wait, did he just say that his name was... Sherlock?! "Hold on buttercup did you just say his name is Sherlock?!" I asked him with shocked tone and my eyebrows so high that they probably disappeared into my hair. Just kidding! This caused the boys to start chuckling. I looked back at Jake with the same expression to see that he was nodding his head saying yes. Wow his parents are so cool!

As soon as the introduction was over my eyes went right back to Sherlock and found him lazing on top of a very irritated looking Toby. "Um... do you perhaps have a nickname that I could call you by? I'm only asking because I don't want people looking at me weirdly when I say your name...." I said ending my sentence kind of incomplete. When Toby nudged Sherlock he then realised that I was talking to him. "Oh you were talking to me!" he said shaking his head in amusement. "Well.... I don't have any nicknames that I'm aware of or like to be called by so give it your best shot and come up with something nice!" He replied to be with a broad grin on his face. I nodded at his answer and then saw that everyone had opened their lunch and was eating. I took out my sandwich and started munching on it. "O why are you eating a sandwich that looks like it has no filling in it?" Rique asked me with one eyebrow up looking at me questioningly. I shrugged in response and continued to eat my sandwich. When I went to eat the next one I saw that there was no other sandwich. Huh that's weird.. why would my mom send me only one sandwich? Breaking me from my thoughts Jake cleared his throat causing me too look at where he was sitting. When I saw him smiling at me with his hand stretched out towards me with a box I looked up at him confused. "You look like you're still hungry so you can eat my second burger" he said answering my doubt. "Hold your horses did you just say that you get, not one but two burgers for lunch!" I ask him after I took the box from his hand gratefully. He nodded while Thomas patted his stomach and mouthed the words 'fatty'. "You don't say much do you?" asked a voice that sounded that whoever said that had his mouth stuffed with food. I looked over to where the voice came from and saw that Toby was talking to me and like I presumed he had stuffed his mouth with French fries. Chuckling at the sight I shrugged and replied "Well... it'll take me sometime but slowly I will talk." Rique snorted and said "Treasure the time when she does not speak!" I found a twig and threw it at her because of what she said. Carmen nodded in agreement and then quickly added "You guys will be lucky to find a time when she doesn't talk!" I growled at the two of them who were smiling mischievously. In a low but threatening voice I looked at the two horrible excuse for friends and said in a snarl "I'm giving you exactly five seconds to get your arse up and run for your life because I'm warning you I will show you no mercy!" When my threat registered the two of them shot out of their seating positons while I counted in my head up until five and then before then I shot out of my seat screaming "ATTACK!!!"

A/N So this is a short chapter but hopefully an entertaining chapter for you guys! I apologise for not updating last Friday but my internet crashed and I could not post the story. Hope you guys like the chapter! The song for this chapter is You Need Me, But I Don't Need You by Ed Sheeran. The guy is just... wow. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Have a great weekend! Happy reading and don't forget to Vote and Comment ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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