Prologue on Ms. Olivia Tryst

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"Come on lazy bums catch up!" screamed Rique. Camren and I cursed under our breaths and picked up our pace. It was 5:30 in the morning and my two best friends and my best friends boyfriend and I were jogging down the Promenade. Rique is a national runner and that is how she met her boyfriend, the guy running with us, Matt. Rique, Carmen and I have literally been best friends since the day we were born. Our moms are best friends and it was a complete coincidence that Rique, Carmen and I were born one day after each other. Rique is the eldest with Carmen being in the middle and leaving me as the youngest. Rique is the sporty one, she is the captain of the girls soccer and basketball team and is one of the fastest runners in our little town. Carmen is the naturally brilliant one just like her mother but other than her brains she is a fantastic artist, finished all eight grades in piano and is a talented chef (well in training). I am an Actress in theatre, a dancer and singer and I'm not that bad at sports 'yeah just a lazy person is all'... Gee thanks conscience you sure know how to make an appearance!

Snapping out of my thoughts I look up to see Rique and Matt gesturing to the spot where we finish jogging. I hear Carmen sigh and mutter "Finally" under her breath while I chuckle at her. Carmen is not really a morning person. I pick up my pace encouraging Carmen to do the same so that we can finish the stupid jog faster. By the time we get there Rique and Matt have finished their stretches and are now walking towards the water fountain. Carmen doesn't say a word instead she collapses onto the ground and starts thanking the god for finally showing her mercy. Rolling my eyes at her for being over dramatic as usual,I stretch my arms and legs a bit before I also make my way towards the water fountain is.

"Where is Carmen?" Matt asked me when he saw me walking towards them.

"Take a wild guess where she might be." I said while I pushed Rique out of the way so I could drink some water. I see Matt looking around through my peripheral view after which I hear him chuckle. Straightening up, I turn around to see Rique gone. Opening my mouth to ask  Matt where she had gone I heard a rather familiar voice screech. I look towards the source of the sound to find Rique and Carmen wrestling each other. Typical just typical of the two of them. Both Matt and I burst out laughing and the way the two of them fight like children fighting for the last chocolate!

Looking over at Matt we both made eye contact and by the look in his eyes we both are trying to decide who is going over there to break up the fight. Well it's not exactly a fight just the two of them being very immature. Seeing as we both were not backing down we settled onto a game of rock paper scissors to see who would have to trudge into dangerous grounds! As usual I win making Matt stick out his tongue at me like a child. I watched from a far with an amused look on my face as I watched Matt try and break up the fight, and let me tell you the poor guy is failing miserably!! Laughing at him my eyes landed on a cup that was sitting next to the water fountain. 'Oh yes Olive, now is a brilliant time to be evil!'   Finally my inner voice is not being a pain in my ass! Grinning evilly, I filled the cup to the brim with water and walked over to Matt who had given up at breaking up the fight. Tapping him on the shoulder I watched his thinking face look over at me. Soon his Chocolate brown eyes turned confused as to why I was grinning and then slowly his eyes made their way to the evil object in my hand. Putting the pieces together he looked back up at me, worry etched all over his face. Well he should definitely be worried since the both of them will want to rip my head off with what I'm about to do. Before I could over think it I walk over to the two immature children and pour the cold water on both of them. Five..Four...Three...Two...One.....

"OLIVE!!" screeched both Rique and Carmen as they detached from each other ready to rip my head off as expected. Signalling to Matt that now he should grab Rique I slowly back away from the two of them. I'm more afraid of Rique than Carmen obviously since she is the more athletic one. As soon as Matt had grabbed Rique he pulled her away to calm her down leaving me with Carmen. I focus on Carmen as I watch her march up to me. Before she could say anything I raised my hand to stop her and I spoke before she could. "You know very well that what I did was the only way to stop the two of you from killing each other" I said looking at Carmen while her angry eyes slowly filled up with humour. We both looked at each other for a second and then burst out laughing! Barely containing our laughter Rique and Matt walked over and looked at the two of us like we were crazy. Carmen and I tried to contain our laughter but failed when Rique started laughing too. Sometimes I think Matt is poor guy for loving a girl who is a complete retard and has complete retards as her friends!

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