𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐦𝐨, 𝐦𝐢 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚.

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𝑌/𝑁'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

"Cmon Tub. If we're late to dinner, Schlatt's gonna be pissed."

Calling over to Tubbo, they packed up their things and then waltzed over to where Tubbo was showing Tommy how to make a flower crown. The whole day had gone by that they spent at this hill just having a picnic and messing around. With every hour that got by,
Y/N and Tommy's banter had calmed down and they acted like close-enough friends to Tubbo's standards. They still didn't like him that much, but he wasn't as bad as they thought he was.

"Awh. Fine, I know what'll happen." Tubbo whined then shivered at the memory of Schlatt's consequences.

"Cya Tom." They called out to him, walking away already as they slung their bag over their shoulder. From behind them, they heard a quiet 'Bye big man' and then 'See ya later bee boy.' which made a chuckle escape their lips before Tubbo caught up to walk alongside them with a very pleased face.

Walking back to the White House side by side, Tubbo was taking to you about all kinds of bees he found with Tommy before their presence at the hill. The both of them met Quackity at the entrance of the house and the three of them entered the dining hall.

"Schlatt was here earlier then usual, but had an insane amount of yknow what. Then proceeded to pass out." Quackity told them all with no tone in his voice, showing them Schlatt's unconscious body on the dining room floor. He was very disappointed that the president was a druggie, but to be honest the sight was a little amusing. He was laying on the floor on his side like a little kid if that kid had a bottle in one hand and his hair flailed around his face with his suit jacket covering the top of his body, they assumed Quackity covered him with it.

"At least he won't shout at us for bein' late." They joked, making Tubbo chuckle a bit at their words. Three of them all sat and had some food with the passed out Schlatt still laying on the floor sleeping his life away. Chicken and mashed potatoes that were left over from when you cooked it yesterday and so that's what you had (If you don't like it, you can change it to smthn you like :])

Tubbo finished early and waved Goodnight leaving them and Quackity alone in the dining room. "G'night Tub." They called out to him as he made his way to his room, the two of them started to put everything away and clean the table.

"So what should we do with him." Quackity eventually asked, cleaning his own dishes then walking over to stand beside the unconscious president with his hands on his hips.

"You get the legs, I'll grab the arms." They bluntly replied, rolling up their sleeves a little before making their way to his upper body which made Quackity chuckle. He shrugged his shoulders and obliged then grabbed the legs, together they carried him up the stairs, into his room and plopped him on his bed which surprisingly didn't wake him up.

They sighed and stretched their arms crossed hole Quackity placed his hand on their shoulder.
"You can change him into something sleep-appropriate, I'll be outside if you need me." They explained as they headed out of the room.
"I'll be fine, dear."

Obvious cringe filled their face but they still hummed an agreement, yet they were still wary about him. Schlatt having this amount of substances in his system and he'll be gone in a month or so, he'll have a heart attack and be sent his merry way to hell. Soon enough Quackity came out of the room and turned off the lights to Schlatt's room.

"Well then. We oughta head to bed then." They yawned, looking at the watch on their wrist. Quackity and them made your way to their room.
"Good night Q." As they were about to reach for their door handle, he spun them around and kissed them on the cheek.
"G'night. Te amo, mi querida." He said bluntly, before turning around and rushing to his room like an embarrassed little school boy which left them shocked outside their bedroom with a face that would be redder than the Sun.

'The- He kissed my cheek.'
Reaching up to their cheek with their hand, they stumbled their way into their room still shocked by the situation as they got into their F/C pajamas, they later slept feeling slightly lovesick.

'Oh my god. What is wrong with me?'


Te amo, mi querida.

I love you, my dear.


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