Dead or Alive!?

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Just a regular Sunday afternoon. Mrs.Weasley was in the kitchen cooking lunch. Ron and Hermione were snogging in a corner and the rest of the Weasley clan including Harry were playing Exploding Snap. Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on the door and Mr. Weasley went to open it.


"Will you not let me in Arthur?" asked a familiar voice.

"Reveal yourself" stated Harry coldly, his wand pointed at the newcomer.

"Harry it really is me, Albus Dumbledore."


"Very well Harry. If you must. Ask me any question of your choice so that I can prove my identity."

"First. What magical object did James Potter leave in the care of Albus Dumbledore shortly before his death?"

"Why his Invisibility Cloak of course! It was handed down generations."

"Second. What flavour of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans did Albus Dumbledore eat when he came to visit me in the Hospital Wing during my first year of Hogwarts?"

"Ah! You wound me Harry. Alas! It was earwax."

"Third. What time did Albus Dumbledore say that he would come to pick me up from the Dursleys during the summer before my sixth year at Hogwarts?"

"Intelligent questions Harry. I'm proud of you. It was 11 O' clock at night was it not?"

"P-Prof-Professor Dumbledore"stuttered Harry as he lowered his wand.

"Ah! I see you're convinced of my identity then?"

"Yes.Yes I am."

"Albus! H-How-I-mean--"

"I am at a loss myself Molly. All I know is that I woke up next to The Burrow with a note saying that I had died an unnatural death fighting a good cause and that I would die when my time came. It was signed. Here have a look at it."

"Lord H? Lady H"

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"Lord H? Lady H"

"Are these lord and lady thingy husband and wife?"

"Ronald! Can you please be serious!"

"Hey! He isn't but I am!"

Everyone gasped at the shockingly familiar voice.

"One. Where did Sirius Black first see Harry Potter after escaping Azkaban?" asked Harry with slight excitement in his voice.

"Magnolia Crescent it was I believe eh godson"

"Two. What did one year old Harry Potter nearly kill while on his toy broomstick that he received from his godfather for his first birthday."

"Your cat...but how did you know?"

"Later. Three. Who bought me my Firebolt?"

"I did of course!"


"Oomph-- can't-breathe-"


"Oh come here will you"

"Sirius. I missed you so much. I-I'm sorry. If only I hadn't gone to the ministry..."


"I'm disappointed in you Harry."

"SIRIUS BLACK" shrieked Hermione.

"Harry how dare you think that you were the reason I died."


"No buts. Come on now I'm famished. Being dead does make you hungry. How long have I been out anyway?"

"2 years"

"Oh. Well I am super hungryyy"

"Oh Sirius. Let's head in shall we!"

"Sure. I can't wait to see Remus. Where is he?"

Everyone except Sirius and Dumbledore stopped in their tracks and looked at each other uneasily.

"Hey! Why the long faces? Sirius is back people."

""stuttered Harry.

"Sirius you can't meet Remus" said Hermione softly "at least not yet"

"Why? Is it the full moon tonight? Even so I can see him before the moon comes out. If he is weak I can go visit him. I need to see my best frienddd" whined Sirius.

"Remus is dead." whispered Harry with tears in his eyes.

"NOOO!!! NO NO NO REMUS CAN"T BE DEAD NOOO" screamed Sirius wildly looking from one person to another. When no one contradicted Harry he fell to the ground crying.

"Sirius please control yourself Remus wouldn't have wanted you to grieve like this. Remember you've been dead two years. You need feeding up" soothed Mr.Weasley

"Dead. That's right. I've been dead but now I'm back means Remus could also be waking up right now. Yes"

Everyone stared at him as if he had made a great discovery. Finally George spoke up.

"So that means Fred can come back too"

"Fred?" questioned Sirius confused

"Did I hear someone calling me?"

"Freddie" whispered George too shocked to move.

"Hey Georgie"

"Fred-- oh my son--"

"Mum--can't--breathe--" gasped Fred as Mrs.Weasley enveloped him in a bone crushing hug.

Slowly all the Weasleys joined in the hug.

After what appeared like several sunlit days, the Weasleys parted.

Several hours later when everyone was fed Sirius asked Harry what had happened in the past two years.

"Aw Sirius I'm tired. Dead tired. Not sleeping well for nine months tends to make you fall asleep very easily."

"Seconded mate. Bye everyone. Good night."

"Me three. Bye. See you tomorrow."

And with that the trio went to sleep ignoring Sirius' whining's.


I will most probably be updating every alternate day from now on. 

Do Read and Review 

--XOXO Manya

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