Day 11 ( Bad News)

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( Taylor and his brothers were walking down the street with their dad, they had just finished getting McDonald's and were headed to a small store in downtown LA but it wasn't long before Taylor and Zac started goofing around and running ahead of Isaac and Walker, fans had respected the fact that boys didn't need the mobbing and everything so they stayed clear of the family which allowed the boys to walk around and not get bothered)

Walker: Slow down you two I can only walk so fast

( Zac slowed for a minute but then started running again to catch up with Taylor who had already made his way to the front of the store)

Zac: Dad said to wait

Tay: I didn't hear him

( Taylor said as Walker and Isaac caught up to them and Walker lightly hit the back of Taylor's head causing him to flinch and look over at his dad)

Walker: Next time I say slow down listen

Tay: Ok...

Isaac: Let's get what we need and then head back to the hotel

(Isaac said opening the door and Zac and Walker stepped in )

Isaac: Ya coming in Tay?

Tay: Yes just give me a second I'm fixing my shoe

( Isaac shrugged his shoulders and walked in closing the door behind him, once Taylor finished fixing his shoe he could hear what sounded like crying on the side of the store but couldn't see anyone)

Tay: Hello??

( Taylor took a few steps forward towards what appeared to be a person in the bushes)

Tay: Are you o....k.....

( Taylor fumbled on his words as he felt two hands grip his shoulders tightly and he turned to see David behind him and looked back to see that the person crying was Chase faking he quickly tried to squirm out of David's grasp but was stopped by kick in the stomach that knocked him down, he started crying again and felt David lift him up and slam him against the brick building pinning him there as Chase walked over)

Chase: You didn't think we left did you??


( Chase roughly punched Taylor's arm causing him to cry out in pain and hold his arm)


David: You are gonna listen to everything we say understood

( Taylor wanted to scream but instead nodded his head and looked down at the pavement before being led to the same truck he was in the first time he winced as they took a chain and wrapped it around him and locked it in place so he couldn't move anywhere and then felt the truck take off)

: in the store:

Walker: Isaac, Zac where's your brother???

Isaac: Idk he said he was fixing his shoe. I assumed he would have fixed it by now

( Isaac said as Walker paid for their stuff and Zac peered outside)

Zac: Well he's not out there....

Walker: Well where did he go

( Walker said as the started to peer around the building and stopped when Zac saw a red streak on the wall of the building that was streaming down)

Zac: Is this blood??

( Zac asked as Isaac walked over to it and touched it )

Isaac: Omg...

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