"ad astra abyssosque.."

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Aether #1..
My dreams of my sister faded away and turnt to ashes as the sunlight beamed into my eyes. My eyes slowly opened, I was at Angel's Share on the 2nd floor. I have barely anywhere to stay so Dilluc let's me sleep there. It's also the closest place (that I sleep in) to the Adventure's Guild. Katheryne was always there to always give me 4 jobs that I always have to do, every day. My head hurt, Venti must have convinced me to have a drink or two.
Fixing my clothes, I walked downstairs and said 'Good Morning' to Dilluc. He hummed and nodded in reply. Still having a headache, I didn't run straight out of the door today. First, I walked to Good Hunter and got my breakfast, Fisherman's Toast. Sara said he saw me down the bottom and immediately started making it, I see her everyday. Next stop, The adventure's guild. Smiling a bit, with a few crumbs around my lips, I asked Katheryne ,"What are my Daily Commisions today?". She gave me them and they all had to be.....
in Liyue.
Must be because of the headache, but I kept on hearing Liyue as 'Lunime'. Sound completely different but okay?

As my vision is Anemo, I'm lucky that I have worshipped most of the Statues. Liyue was easy to get to and the commissions were relatively easy. First, Shirou. Then I just had to do some bits and bobs in the mountains! Atleast it wasn't Dragonspine, although.. actually would it be okay to meet Albedo. He seems quite ...hmm... recently.

When I got back, I immediately claimed my Moira from Katheryne and wished her a good day. Suprised Venti didn't appear as I said ,"May Barbatos be with you for Today."
Per usual, I saw Kaeya walking down near me, he patted my shoulder as he saw me ,"Hello Traveller." ,he smiled. His smiled seemed caring but cold. Amazing joke, I know.

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