"Come with me.."

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Aether #2
Kaeya grinned and whispered ,"Why don't we go to Angel's Share and get something to drink, it'll be on me." He made a gesture with his arms wide open like he was asking for a hug. I giggled a bit, then I saw Paimon rushing around the city. I swear she was with m-...She had Sticky Honey Roast. Slightly Scared, I checked my back pocket, and yep, She stole some of my money. She was exclaiming ,"Traveller!Traveller?" around the streets. I saw her look at me and rush over, "What's Kaeya doing here?" ,she asked. You smiled and said ,"He's doing a poor job at asking me on a friend date.", I saw Kaeya's face.It was a mix of surprise, hurt and confusion. Giggling slightly, I look back at Paimon, she handed me a letter ,(somehow) .. The letter wrote:
Dear Traveller, Would you be so kind to take care of Klee whilst I'm gone. I would usually get Dilluc to do it, but there's been some mages around the city so I sent him to dispose of them. I hope you understand.
-Sincerely, Acting Grand Master Jean.
I thought, Klee..That would be a semi-difficult job as it is Klee and I have Paimon with me who I also have to take care of every single day. Klee would probably be easier to handle though. As children aren't allowed into tavern's that sell alcohol (unless they or their parents work their) ,I denied Kaeya's offer and headed to Jean's Office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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