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Thank you @bughead_riverbabie for giving me this request .
Bettys POV
I was fucking Toni it felt so good my pussy rubbing against hers I was totally forgetting that I was cheating on my boyfriend Toni is moaning in my ear and I'm moaning in hers . Toni starts to rub my clot while I kiss her neck .
J: Toni do you omfg . I turn around to see jug covering his eyes .
B: shit I run and put my clothes on sane as Toni .
T: jug I'm uh
J: fucking my girlfriend yea Ik
B: buba im sorry I I don't know what I was thinking .
J: fucking forget it your coming home with me now an fuck you toni thought you were my friend . Jug grabs mg wrist I know he is pissed I was a little scared of what's going to happen I don't want to lose jug I really do love him the whole car ride home was silent.when we got home jug pushed me against the door .
J: you have been a really bad girl this pussy is ONLY MINE!!
B: I I I'm sorry buba
J:  I don't wanna here it come on your being punished . Jughead takes me upstairs to the bedroom and locks the door behind him .
B: what's my punishment daddy .
J: you'll see . He lifted me up pinning me against the door.I wrap my legs around his waist .I let out a small giggle before jug roughly kissed me I kissed back .he reached his hand under my shirt and bra pinching my nippels .

3rd persons pov
Jughead listened to her soft whimpers smiling against her lips before carrying her to Bettys desk placing her down on the edge still not breaking the kiss. Betty slid her tongue into his mouth a battle started . Jughead slid his hands in-between her thighs rubbing her clothed core making her lose . Betty moans leaning her head back .
B: oh my god juggie . She choked out through moans wanting more . Pls pls daddy she muttered .
J: pls what baby what do you want daddy to do to you . He question still rubbing her clit .
B: mm I want you to fuck me pls pls pls daddy . She begs spreading her legs a little .
J: so needy for me to pound into you little tight hole aren't we princess.
Betty whimpers nodding slowly
B: yes I am pls stop teasing.
J: oh but I won't you were a very very bad girly oh cheated on me with Toni so now your being punished but if I let you get away with it it won't be so much of a punishment now would it .
B: no but I'm so sorry  I'm so sorry pls just fuck me
J: no you don't deserve my dick you already had tonis pussy .
B: daddy pls . Betty whines jug takes his hand off her crotch .
J: I love it when you beg for my dick but I won't give in not this time .
B: I need more daddy pls
J: not yet . He stepped away from Betty
J: on your knees . He demanded while i'm buckling his pants . Betty happily applied going on her knees and looking up at him . Jughead grinned  looking down at Betty while taking his dick out .
J: suck  She nodded keeping her eyes locked in his while she swirled her tounge around his tip getting a groan from jughead
J: stop teasing  baby girl . Betty puts him in her mouth massaging the part she can't reach .jughead moaned grabbing her hair tangling his hands into it forcing himself down her throat . Betty gagged felling him thrust his dick into her mouth while she bod her head .
J: fuck Betts . Betty kept looking at him moaning on his dick making the orgasm Come faster . Jugheads breath hitch at the sudden vibration twitching inside her mouth .
J: faster baby girl . Betty did what she was told . After a few more moments jug spills his load in her mouth. Betty pulled her lips off his dick swallowing his cum .
J : good girl stand up .
Betty nodded and stood up .jughead sat down on his bed stroking his dick a couple times .
J: strip then sit . Betty bites her lip nodding while taking the rest of her clothes off. Betty approached him her hands on his shoulders as she places herself on his dick sinking down .
J: do you want me to fuck you baby girl .
B: yes juggie pls do . Jughead smirked and grabs her hips rotating them Betty moans softly
B: more pls.
J: what was that baby . Betty blushed getting flustered .
J: go on repeat yourself
B: can you pls give me more daddy . Jug lightly laghs then thrust his hips to hers. Betty throw her head back her hips still moving in circles .
B: oh my god daddy she moans out
J: that's right baby girl moan my name let everyone know what a slut you are for me
B: oh my - fuck  she moaned again feeling jug speed up his actions so she does the same . Jug grunts slapping her ass
J: do you like that baby ?do you like when I fuck you? Betty nods  bitting her lip roughly. .
J: use your words baby girl .
B: I I do I love it when you fuck me she moaned .jug smirked and grunted while pulling on her hips making her go faster .
B: daddy I'm so close
J: I don't care bad girls don't get to cum until there told to .
Betty whimpers softly moaning in his ear
B: daddy pls let me cum I haven't cumed all day pls  I'm sorry I cheated with your friend I'm sorry .
J: no not yet  hold it . Jug demands rubbing her clit .
B: pls daddy .
J: I said no . Jug slaps her ass again but way more harder . Betty shrieks in pain . Jughead thrust faster  feeling bettys wall tighten around him
J: fuck your so tight I love it . Betty digs her nails into his shoulders  finding it harder to hold her release
B: juggie .
J: shit yes baby
B: how Much longer . She say moaning weakly
J: just a little more princess I'm almost there . Betty legs begin to shake when he pounds into her pussy
J: your such a little slut for me
B: mhmh  Ik I am  just for you .  Jughead but his lip  and thrusted  into her harder  loving  the high pitched moans coming out of Bettys mouth .
J: let it go baby girl . Betty  moaned loudly  as she came  feeling his cum shoot into her . Jug pulls out and they cuddle.
B: I'm sorry juggie I shouldn't have cheated on you I understand if we're over but I really don't want to lose you I really do love you .
J: I don't want to break up either that's why I punished you thinking I wouldn't hurt after it but I do how can I trust you now  .
B: I don't know I will stay away from Toni if that makes you feel better
J: no it's fine can y'all just not hang out alone
B: of course juggie if that is what I have to do for you to gain my trust again I'll do. It

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