The Attack

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One Year Ago

"Move it! Quickly! We can't let them find us!" Coast said with a panicked voice, her eyes full of tears. "Why? What's going on..?" The young prince said confused. He hadn't seen his mother since breakfast, she had been there he swore of it. "Wheres mom?" Surf said again. This had been his 6th time asking since his sister had grabbed him from his room and pulled him through the halls. "She can't be here with use right now.." Coast said with a sad tone in her voice as her wings drooped.
Coast shoved him into a dark room and held her talons over his mouth so he could say anything. "Shh" She had said as they heard lots of dragons swimming past and stopping and than swimming again. 'Are those guards?' Surf though tilting his head than realized they couldnt be 'I cant hear the armor clanking.. Cant be guards.' He thought trying to move a little to peak out and see who it was but his sister held him firmly where he was. He didnt understand, why was she so panicked?
Finally after what seemed like forever the sound of swimming went away. Coast took her talons off Surfs mouth and loosened her grip on him. "Now tell me what's going on!" Surf said angrily but made sure to keep his tone low. Coast sighed and started to shake her head "Dragons are trying to kill off all of the royal family. They got mom.. I'm trying not to let them get us too.." Surf was so shocked and saddened by the news that his eyes were full of tears and he was blinded with them. He started to squirm away from coast in denial "No! She isnt dead! She CANT be dead!" Surf said and finally got free of her grip but slammed into a shelf that head a box of jewelry.
The panick that shot through Coasts face as the box dropped and hit made a loud sound told him everything he needed to know. He had just gotten them caught. Coast frantically scrambled around to try and find a way out cause she knew it wouldn't be long till the dragons came to get them. Coast saw a hole in the corner that was big enough for Surf to squeeze through. 'We can get out!' Surfs mind seemed to scream. Coast looked sad as she realized she wouldnt be able to fit, but also knew Surf wouldnt go in if she didnt. Coast grabbed the chains around her arm and closed her eyes as she mumbled something under her breath. 'Is she enchanting that?' Surf wondered. Coast gave him the chain and pointed to the hole, now starting to hear the dragons swimming toward them.
Surf looked at the hole and than at his sister and back and forth. "I'll be in right after you just go!" Coast promised. Surf nodded and launched himself into the hole and stopped in a small opening of space in the tunnel near the place he came in but out of sight. Coast would not let the dragons after them find her brother so she whispered "Sorry" and covered the hole with a create, than swam away to get the dragons away. Surf was crying and angry 'Liar! You said you would be right behind me!' His mind wailed and as he went to started to swim to the create to get her, he heard an agonizing Scream of pain from his sister, and he knew she was dead.

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