billie bossa nova

553 10 3

I just realized I never had a plot to this story.

9:50 am

That's what the clock read I've been laying in bed for the past two hours staring at a clock

I can hear finneas and Claudia talking down stars but I can't really tell what they are saying.

I decided to try and get up i pull the covers off me the cold air hitting my warm body making me shiver

I slide my legs down the bed and finally standing up my legs don't hurt as much as they did last night

I go to the bathroom and do my business after that I walk down stairs to see claudia sitting on the couch and finneas in the kitchen

Claudia looks up her face just screams "are you ok' I just smile at her and walk into the kitchen where finneas is

"Finneas I'm going to y/n house ill see you later" Claudia yells

"Ok text me when you get there bye" I hear the door shut

"Oh hey billie I didn't hear you" finneas says turning around with a knife in his hand

"Did you sleep ok ? "He lowers the knife setting it on the counter

"Yeah i guess" I shrug

"Umm ok I made pancakes and fruit bowls you want some" he ask going back to cutting the fruits

"Yeah sure" I say I'm not really in the mode to eat but I don't want a empty stomach

"Here you go" he sets a plate of two pancakes and a bowl of cut fruit in front of me

He gets his own plate and fruits before sitting in the chair beside me

I slowly eat my pancakes the silence between us just got bigger

"He's going to come looking for me" I finally speak up

"I know and I'm going to make sure he doesn't step foot in this house" finneas says sure of his self

"I just wanted chicken nuggets I didn't mean to flirt with her" i mumble loud enough for him to hear

"What do you mean" he ask turning his attention to me

"We went out to eat and I wanted chicken nuggets b-but then I guess the server was trying to flirt with me and I didn't notice so I kept talking and after we left he yelled at me because he thought I was flirting back I tried to tell him that wasn't true but he just hit me and told me I was worthless and a slut and no one will ever believe me because I'm a liar and i was stupid and ugly so ugly that no one will ever love me an-"

"Ok billie breath just breath" Finneas cuts me off

"Im sorry" I choke out

" Billie you don't have to be sorry you did nothing wrong" he reassures me

"I want a restraining order on him" I say out of no where

"Ok we will get one you just have to cal-" finneas was cut off by a loud knock

"Oh no its him" i whisper on the verge of crying again

"Stay here billie" finneas gets up and looks out the peak hole on the door

"OPEN THE DOOR BILLIE I KNOW YOUR IN THERE" he yells from the other side of the door

I fall to the floor sliding against the cabinets pulling my legs up to my chest

"SHE'S NOT HERE" finneas yells

"YES SHE IS I KNOW SHE'S THERE" he tries to bust through the door

He hit the door again and again then I hear a loud bang and look up to see that he shot the lock

"Billie go hide and call the police" finneas throws his phone to me

I get up and run hiding in a closet full of big puffer jackets


"911 what's your emergency ?"

"Help he shot open the door"

"Who is he ma'am"

"My ex he's going to kill me"

"Ok stay calm what's your address"

"506 sycamore st"

"Ok what's your name"


"Ok billie we have police coming is anyone hurt"

"I don't know"

*bang* *bang*

"I think some one is hurt now"

"Ok billie where are you"

"I'm hiding in a closet" (me too)

"Ok billie stay on the phone with me untill help comes can you do that ?"

"Yes please hurry"


Omg I have to get up at 5 in the morning tomorrow bc I have band practice

I'm trying to make these chapters as long as I can


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