chapter 1

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Maggie walked down the bustling streets of New York with a purpose. After all, this was going to be the biggest photoshoot of her career. Ever since she discovered the camera outside in the dumpster she was instantly enamored and inspired to capture candid moments in life. When she got her first email about shooting and editing for New York Times most popular journalist Emmet Hurston, she was over the moon with excitement.

Maggie weaved her way through the crowded sidewalks of Manhattan constantly glancing at her watch. The shoot started at 12 and it was already 11:25. She checked to see if her camera was at fully charged for the millionth time that morning. While walking through Central Park, Maggie sees the fountain in the middle of the park.

It was so astonishing she had to get a picture of it. Maggie glanced at her watch 11:45 and decided it was worth the risk. She swiftly pulls out her camera from her back and attaches her lens. As she was trying to fix the settings she bumps into a man. He looks at her catching her before she falls.

"Oh, my bad," he said  but Maggie had already walked away. When she got to the perfect spot in front of the fountain she took a few shots. After she was satisfied, Maggie stepped closer to the fountain admiring its beauty. Suddenly, a lady abruptly bumps into her, knocking her off balance and into the icy water in the fountain.

All Maggie could do was gasp as she plunged into the dirty water in the fountain, clutching her camera to her chest. The water shocked her into action, as her head caught up with the event that just occurred she stoop up, her red hair now an auburn tint as she stood with her mouth agape, processing the fact she tumbled into the fountain she was admiring. Maggie sighed as she wiped the smeared mascara and remaining makeup from her face, her freckles she tried so hard to cover up now on full display.

"Excuse me miss! Are you ok?" A tall gentleman asked; it was the man that she bumped into moments before,
"Well other then having my once chance at making something of myself my days going splendid." He reached a hand out and helped her out of the fountain. She started wiping her camera off as much as she could.

"I can't believe that lady did that and didn't even see if you were alright," he said.
Maggie pursed her lips and nodded.
"So does the professional swimmer have a name?" He asked.
Maggie smiled and shook her head at the ground,
"It's Maggie, and you are?"
He smiles and tilts his head,
"You really don't know who I am?" Maggie shakes her head with a confused look.
"Harry, Harry Styles" he said.
Maggie smiles,
"Well nice to meet you Harry."
He laughs,
"The pleasure is all mine."
They stand there for a few seconds making eye contact when Maggie's heart almost stops she glances at her watch is was 11:58 she had two minutes and it was a block away.
"I'm late! No no no! This can't be happening!" Maggie shrieked. She threw her soaking wet camera in her bag.
"I could get your number and I can check to make sure your okay later," Harry said.
Maggie looked at him,
"I'm sorry I can't I don't have time" she said why running away. Maggie ran as fast as she could weaving through the crowds of people. She tried to clean herself up as much as possible but she still looked a wreck. She ran inside the New York Times building. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the building judging her. When she reached the elevator she pressed the button multiple times thinking that would make it come faster. Finally the elevator opened and she jumped inside.

"Your gonna be okay, everything's gonna be okay," Maggie said to herself.

The elevator dinged when it reached the floor of her shoot. The doors opened and a huge crowd of people turned and looked at her and gasped. Emmet Hurston had a discussed look on his face.

Maggie walked forward and held our her hand,
"Hi Emmet I'm Maggie Owens the photographer."

Emmet looked at her hand and shook his head,
"I'm sorry miss Owens but this is a professional business and your appearance is completely unacceptable and you are late."

captured. harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now