Loyal Feelings

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It was an normal day in UA all boys was just chilling in main hall suddenly all girls came in a group.

"Are they upto something?" Kaminari asks

"Maybe another room contest or something" sero replies

All girls then came and stood in front of izuku

"Umm can I help you guys?" Izuku says

"Midoriya/deku can you please go out with me?" They all says

Since izuku got his new figure every guy is jealous of him however every girl has crush on him.

Since izuku got his new figure every guy is jealous of him however every girl has crush on him

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Flashback few minutes ago with girls

"Have you seen Midoriya new figure I am going to ask him out?" Mina says

"Hey I will ask him out" hagakure says

"You two back away I am going to ask him out" jirou says

"Kero , can I also ask him out?"tsu says

"Umm guys I also have to ask him out?" Urabaka says

"I am sorry , but can I also propose him" momo says innocently as everyone gets shocked

"Momo , you too??" Mina says

"I am sorry mina but Midoriya makes me feel something different and I asked my mom she said I am in love" momo says

"Well then we all ask him out and then he will choose the best one among us" mina says as everyone agrees

Present time :

"Damn that Midoriya he got his own harem" mineta says

"Umm sorry but I can't date all of you" izuku says

"Don't worry Midoriya you have to choose only one" mina says

"But how will I choose I will answer all of you after two weeks" izuku says as all girls left

"I can't believe he rejected all of us" mina says

"Yeah I thought he likes me" urabaka says

"Well I think he got some ego with his new body" hagakure says as jirou and mina nods

"But he told us to wait he didn't rejected us" momo says innocently

"Momo you are so innocent you really believes that a super hot guy like Midoriya will really going to answer you after two weeks it's his style to reject smoothly" mina says

"But Midoriya is a good guy" momo defends izuku

"You are so innocent , go and find someone else" mina says

After two weeks :

Izuku has asked momo to meet him in alone

"Is Midoriya going to give his answer" momo says

"So momo are all the girls in a relationship?" Izuku asks

"Yes they all says that you rejected us" momo replies

"And you what is your relationship ship status" izuku asks

"I am waiting for your answer" momo says innocently as izuku smiles

"You will definitely get what you deserves" izuku says as momo smiles

After that they both left and izuku asked all girls except momo to meet him

"So I am going to give my reply of your proposal" izuku says

"Really?? I thought you rejected us" mina says

"Ofcourse but is something wrong?" Izuku asks

"No everything is fine right girls?" Mina says as they all nods

"So all of 6 are going in an amusement park and at the end of day I will choose one of you?" Izuku says as they all gets happy

"Woah I will wear something that will make him love me" urabaka says as she reaches momo

"Hey momo?" Urabaka says

"Yeah?" Momo says

"Did you have a dress which can you know help in showing my cleavage and something" urabaka says

"Yeah I never used that one but why you need this?" Momo asks

"Oh me , deku and all girls are going on a date" urabaka says as momo becomes sad and suddenly she received a text

"Don't worry I will also give you a chance and you will get what you deserve" izuku texted her as she smiles a little bit

Then momo took her dress and gave it to urabaka

"Thanks momo I will give you a treat when I will get pass" urabaka says

"All the best" momo says

After that all 6 of them went to amusement park

Izuku spends his time with every one of them as he also noticed that there boyfriends are calling them but they were keep trying to hide that

When there day was about to end izuku calls all of them to give his answer

"So the girl whom I think is best for me is.............................................Momo" izuku says as all girls gets surprised

"But she is not even here"urabaka says

"Because momo is the one who passes the loyalty test she is more beautiful and hot than all of you combined even though she waited for my reply and she stayed loyal till the end" izuku says

"That's because she is an airhead" mina says

"That's what I likes about her" izuku says

"What? You like momo being an airhead??" Jirou says

"Yeah she is cute when she acts like an airhead" izuku says with determination

"But we also stayed loyal" mina says

"Shut up all of you already had a boyfriend but still you tried to date me and cheat on them" izuku says

"We would have leave them because of you" urabaka says

"I think you don't know how it feels when someone you love leaves you for anyone else" izuku says as he left

Izuku then quickly reaches momo

"Hey momo" izuku says as momo was sitting on her bed waiting for him while sleeping

"Huh? Midoriya is it my turn now??" Momo asks innocently

Izuku just kissed her on lips

"You don't need turn to claim what's your dear I love you" izuku says as momo jumps on him and hugs him and started crying loudly

"I am so lucky that you came for me I love you too izuku" momo says

Izuku then kissed her again

"Dear don't kiss me that much what if I get pregnant" momo says

"You will not my little kitten" izuku says as momo blushes then kissed him again and again and again

Timeskip to 19 years later

Izuku and momo dated for 10 years and got married and after 4 years of their marriage momo gave birth to a girl and they both named her mizuku a name made from their own names.

"Mom you told that dad choosed you out of many girl but how??" Mizuku asks

"That's because---" momo says as izuku hugs her from behind

I have Loyal Feelings for izuku"

The end :)

Loyal Feelings(an Izumomo One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now