tu bhi sataya jayega 💔💛

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Jasmin P.O.V

I hate you Aly 😭

Jasmin was lying on floor she was broken I am broken again because of you Aly why you again came to destroy my life why  . why you came 💔💔💔
I can't forget everything you did to me your betrayal  your fake commitments you always said you love me but your words were filled with love for me  but your actions broke me the day I saw you with her sleeping you broke my trust  you ended us we were about to be engaged  I still remember the day we met you were standing with girls I was right you are slut you can never make people happy you can only hurt people around you  you saw me I saw you I didn't like you in start but I still felt some spark you looked in my eyes  you were looking at  me for more than 2 hours  we were in a award ceremony  I won award for best singer when the anchor announced my name you looked at  me I noticed someone looking at me I ignored and moved towards the stage and had my award  when they asked me to sing a song  for  them I started singing my favourite song
Tum hi ho
When  I was singing the song I felt someone lost in the music that was you I was stunned but then I moved  towards my seat
I felt someone continuously looking at me I turned to see who  is looking at me then I saw you Aly you were looking  handsome in black I remember you looked hot I was attracted at the moment but then I ignored. Then you moved to stage  and people  were cheering for you and then after having your award they requested you to sing a  song with me they invited me to stage I looked at you you because you  were already  looking  in my eyes  I felt you are someone close to my heart ❤💙
We started  singing  song together  people always wanted to see us together  I saw on Instagram  there were  many fan page posting  our photos with a name jasly they gave  us  a unique  and beautiful name jasly  .

MY LOVE   💙   ( Jasly ) 💫Where stories live. Discover now