literally handed this in for a school assignment

57 2 15

Once upon a time, there was a spectacular woman whose name was Anastasia Smirnova. You see, Anastasia was not fully human. She was a part witch. And she had a destiny to fulfill.


One day, shortly before her 21st birthday, she was walking home from work when she suddenly saw a woman lying on the ground. As she got closer, Anastasia realized that the woman was injured. She quickly rushed to her side and clutched the wound. The woman had been stabbed directly in the abdomen, most likely from a mugging gone wrong.

"Miss? Miss? You're going to be alright, okay. Trust me." Anastasia said.

The woman gave a weak nod.

Anastasia wrapped both hands around the woman's abdomen and bright green light emitted from her palms. The little squiggles in the light began to heal the wound.

In the woman's point of view, she was not frightened. She had seen this before, done by her mother before she passed. In the emerald green light, she could see darker green swoops working to fix her wound and little golden sparkles scattered throughout it. And then the pain was gone, along with the injury that caused it.

"Thank you. What is your name?" The woman asked.

She hesitated before answering, "Anastasia Smirnova. What is yours?"

"Lucinda. Lucinda Price." She said.

"Here, let me help you up." Anastasia said, holding out her hand, which Lucinda takes.


Now, here we are, two years later. The two ladies have been inseparable ever since they met. They live together in a flat, just outside of the main part of New York City.

They had been trying to track down a wizard named Klaus Black, who had been causing mayhem throughout the city. They did figure out his plan, however, which was to try and raise the dead.

Anastasia and Lucinda were not happy to hear this, for they both had loved ones that had passed on who they thought should be able to rest without being disturbed.

They finally found him, sure enough, in Central Park. Not on purpose either. They were strolling through the park that evening, enjoying a cup of tea. Lucinda was the one to spot him first.

"Ah, Anastasia, my dear. How lovely to finally meet you." Klaus said, bowing towards her. Anastasia scowled in return.

"Oh, a feisty one, are you? That's alright, I've got you where I needed you to be." He said, an uneasy grin on his face.

"What on earth do you mean? You need me for this sick ritual you're trying to do?" Anastasia said, venom dripping from every word, emphasizing trying.

"Yes, I need you to do the spell. Only a hybrid can do it. In your case, part human, part witch." He says lighting some black candles and placing them on the ground.

It was then that the two women noticed the devil's trap carved into the soil.

"You're not trying to raise the dead. You're trying to raise the Souls of the Damned. The only reason you would need to do that raise Lucifer." Lucinda says, eyes growing wide as she said the last three words.

"Smart girl. You're correct, and I need Anastasia to do it. She's the only one who can." Klaus says, pointing at her.

He approaches her, holding a sword. The sword of Michael, to be precise. He hands it to her, and she takes it from him.

"I am never going to help you." She says, glaring daggers at him.

She kicks Klaus and spins him around, sword to his throat.

'I'm sorry. I love you.' She mouths to Lucinda, before plunging the sword through his chest, going through hers as well.

Both Klaus and Anastasia fall to the ground, the blade making no sound when it hits the ground. This time, it's Lucinda who rushes to her side.

"No, no, no, please stay with me. I love you, please don't leave." She says, being sure not to put any pressure on her chest, tears falling silently.


That day, the world lost someone very important, though most never knew it. Only the Witching Community and their allies knew of her sacrifice. Lucinda got out of the line of work, choosing to live in a cottage on the outskirts of a beautiful meadow. She spent the rest of her days doing what she loves; taking care of animals she finds wounded in the forest or meadow.

This story may not have had the greatest ending, but it is what Anastasia thought was best. She was never forgotten.

The End.



yes, i handed in a mystical lesbian story to my *very* homophobic teacher

love you,


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