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03 | Narrowhaven

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03 | Narrowhaven

Kya was seated in one of the longboats, along with

Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and her brother. A bunch of crew also came along as they rowed towards the Island that is Narrowhaven. Kya watched as they got closer towards land. It would be her first time standing on Narnian ground. She expected it to feel a certain way, like it would have a magical presence to it like the Dawn Treader did.

"Onward!" Exclaimed the voice of Reepicheep as the boats pulled up to the docks. "The thrill of the unknown lies ahead."

As Kya was helped off the boat by Caspian, disappointment ran through her. There was no uplifting joy as she stood on the stone ground. It almost seemed like something wrong happened, or something wrong was going to happen.

"Couldn't this have waited till the morning?" Eustace complained as everyone was climbing out of the boats.

Reepicheep stood straighter before turning to Eustace, a stern look on the mouse's face. "There is no honour in turning away from adventure, lad."

"Listen." spoke Lucy.

Everyone went silent, trying to hear what Lucy was talking about. Though there was nothing. It was complete silence, there were no sounds of chatter and laughter filling the air of Narrowhaven. It was just quiet, too quiet. Something was definitely going on here.

A bad feeling absorbed through Kya's stomach. Her nerves acting up as she looked around fearfully, as if something was just going to jump out of nowhere.

"Where is everyone?"

Reepicheep was getting impatient since Eustace was still in the boat, struggling to get out. "Come on, jelly legs." He urged the boy, reaching a small hand out to help.

"I'm capable of doing it myself." Eustace snapped back as he climbed out of the boat, only for him to slip on the stairs and fall on his face with a shriek. Kya winced as her brother fell, though part of her just wanted to let out a light laugh.

"And you're certain he's related by blood?" questioned Caspian, looking back at Eustace's fallen form from over his shoulder.

Lucy took a glance back at Eustace, she looked almost embarrassed for him. They followed along the stairs towards the entrance of Narrowhaven, that led to the centre of the town.

Caspian drew his crossbow, holding it up just in case. There was still no sound, you could hear a pin drop at that moment. Kya felt an arm grab her, she looked back to see her brother clutching onto her in fear.

Then all of a sudden the sound of a bell tolling rang. All eyes went up to the bell tower, where the large bell hung up on it moved slowly. Eustace jumped back in fear, pulling Kya with him. Lucy jumped slightly away from the noise too. Caspian continued to raise his crossbow up towards the bell tower, ready to shoot.

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