Telling Kory.

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I waited and waited. Then I got a text from Kory.

Kory: Hey Talia, I'm okay but mom isn't and I'm headed to the hospital with Bo. I'll see you at  home once mom is discharged.

Me: Take all the time you need. You'll find me at your apartment. Love you.

Kory: Love you too.

Most of the cars, police cruisers, ambulances and news vans had left and only a few people and their cars were there.

I called an Uber and waited while I thought Robert left and probably forgot about me.

My lift arrived and gave him directions to Kory's penthouse.

Kory came home after three days and he told me he had to wait until his mom was discharged, take her home. Her home was located on the outskirts of town. Then he had to stop by the police station with his brother to ask about the fire incident. Afterwards he cane back home.

He looked so tired and drained that I decided to tell him about the stranger later.

After a few weeks of Kory asking why I was absentminded, I decided to tell him.

"Get some wine, we'll need it", I said to him.

Kory went to the kitchen and I saw he came back with a bottle of red wine but I told him one wasn't going to be enough. He grabbed another bottle and we decided to ditch the glasses. So we each had our own bottles. It was accompanied with a platter of cheese, crackers and olives.

Boy we'll be getting drunk.

So I told him about the old man and how my mysterious man saved me, our connection and our intimate moment but I left out a lot of details.

I stopped talking and I waited for him to say something.He was quiet for a few minutes and I was getting worried. Before I could say anything, slammed his wine bottle on the glass table. I jumped at the sound, I thought that the coffee table would shatter.

"You slept"- he began to shout but after I flinched he soften this voice. "You slept with him", He said again, I nodded.

"A complete stranger. I nodded again. I felt so stupid because I didn't know what to say.

"What compelled you to do that?" He bellowed.

Kory has never shouted at me because he didn't have a reason to but today a guess I gave him a reason to. I disappointed him.

"Have you gone to the hospital to have a check up because you could have HIV or worse hepatitis B or you can be pregnant." He continued shouting.

"Stop" I yelled back. "I didn't think of that", I continued yelling.

"Of course you didn't, you never think", He shouted again. 

I saw when the look of realisation appeared on his face. "I'm sorry", he started but I didn't hear the end of it because I ran to the guest bedroom. Far away from his room.

I just wanted to see Robert again. My heart yearns for him.

"Robert",  I cried softly.

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