Part one: Trust

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    Tomura Shigaraki was not a very trusting man, in fact it took a lot of work in order to get him to even turn his back on someone without him immediately glancing back at them to make sure he didn't have to worry about that certain someone making stupid decisions, especially if they were dangerous. He'd been this way ever since he was a child, due to his father's violent behavior towards him and his sister he couldn't help but be aware of his surroundings and make sure he didn't make any mistakes as dangerous as simply trusting someone. He knew better, he knew so much better.

  Ho how did Tomura end up trusting Dabi of all people?

  Well he didn't at first, in fact he didn't even wanna take his eyes off the other as soon as they met because he genuinely believed the man would burn everything to the ground just for the hell of it. but for some reason he felt... drawn to the other. He felt oddly at ease after a few days whenever the other was around and even saw the patchy ashtray of a man as an equal most of the time. Dabi was his right hand man, a man that he trusted when he knew better than to trust any man at all.

  A few months pass and Tomura somehow finds himself in a relationship with the flame user, they chatted often and maybe kisses once or twice when one of them felt particularly touch starved. Tomura had no idea any of this would ever happen, it all came so fast he almost didn't care where it went. He couldn't deny what he felt, dangerous or not he'd fallen head over heals for Dabi. Of course he would rather not say that out loud, it was weird for him to do so, embarrassing even. And besides, Dabi should already know how he felt shouldn't he? I mean it isn't exactly supposed to be easy to get on the league leaders good side, let alone get him to date you or even make out with you next to a dumpster behind a fast food restaurant.

  Tomura almost started feeling like his worries of trusting people were dumb and childish when all he had to do to find love was to trust the man he currently had. Everything was perfect, he'd give everything as long as Dabi remained by his side. He loved that man, he was all he ever thought about and he always made decisions while keeping Dabi's wants and needs in mind. He wouldn't dare send Dabi on any missions he didn't think he could handle, of course he knew he'd be fine but still. You could NEVER be too careful. Eventually Tomura felt that he needed to let his favorite arsonist know how much he appreciated and cared for him since he seemed to be pretty quiet about his feelings most of the time so he went out. He often left Dabi alone to care for the league, he trusted him. he trusted the man he loved, he didn't think it was foolish anymore. Why would he? Dabi was a good man in his eyes, he knew he could trust him.

  Tomura would go out every now and then, bringing Dabi little gifts from time to time sort of like how a bird would swoon a mate with shiny objects or how a cat would bring it's human a fresh kill to show it's appreciation. Of course Tomura never gave Dabi a dead rat like a cat would but shiny things? Maybe. Only if he genuinely believed Dabi might actually like it. Tomura was so lost in his admiration for his lover that he completely overcame his habit of being aware of his surroundings. He didn't pay attention to anything unless it involved his boyfriend. God he could be so dumb.

  He didn't realize how ignorant he'd been until he came home from a mission one day to find Dabi asleep in their bed, with another man... with a HERO man. He stood in the doorway wide-eyed staring at the bright red feathers that scattered their bed, is that what kept itching him the other night in the blanket...? A feather? From Dabi's new 'lover' he missed the signs about? Everything in Tomura stopped working at that very moment, he was frozen as he studied the two men sleeping away in the bed that took him months of savings to finally afford just so his boyfriend could sleep comfortably. His boyfriend who WAS sleeping comfortably, right in front of him. With that fucking disgrace of a hero that everyone loved so much.

  He saw red and had to leave the room before he hurt someone, he didn't wanna hurt Dabi... did he? Everything felt both unbearably painful yet so numb at the same time. He couldn't breathe, was he in shock? Was that why he felt sick? He felt his stomach churning and he had to cover his mouth a bit, cover. Cover! That's what he needs, father! Where did he leave father?! He looked around for the hand he'd stopped wearing because Dabi had asked to see his face more. A face he no longer wanted to be seen.

He attached the severed hand to his face once more and slowly sand down to the floor as reality crashed right back into him, that bastard... that absolute fucking "BASTARD!!" He yelled aloud, standing back up as he started seeing red again. He spun around and made a B-line towards the bedroom, slamming the door open and creating a hole in the wall from the handle that startled both men awake. They both stared at Tomura like a couple of deer in headlights as the trembling league leader glared down at them through the long dead fingers of the hand on his scarred fragile face. To say Tomura was pissed would be a serious understatement, this man had literal bloodlust dropping from his teeth and Dabi immediately knew he'd fucked up.

  "Tomura? when did you get back? how long have you-" "SHUT YOUR DISGUSTING WHORE MOUTH DABI!!" Tomura didn't even give dabi a chance to explain himself before he marched forward and yanked him up, throwing him out of bed and onto the floor," YOU BASTARD!! I LET YOU INTO MY LEAGUE, MY HOME AND MY FUCKING BED AND YOU REPAY ME WITH WHAT?! SLEEPING WITH A DISEASE RIDDEN FUCKING CHICKEN?!! I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!" He yelled, visibly shaking. He snapped his head around and glared at the hero on the bed," YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO LEAVE THIS HIDEOUT BEFORE I RIP YOU TO SHREDS STARTING WITH YOUR USELESS LOWER INTESTINES!" He threatened. You'd better believe Keigo ran out of that building faster than a jet. Dabi was still on the floor when the hero ran out, quickly scrambling to his feet," Shig-" "DON'T!!" A few minutes of silence pass as Tomura slowly started to collect himself," Don't you dare... don't you DARE ever speak to me ever again. I want you to get the hell out, and don't come back. sleep on the street for all I care. and take those disgusting bedsheets with you..."

  Tomura didn't think he'd ever be able to trust another man again. How could he? Dabi was his everything, and even to this day Dabi was all Tomura ever thought about. Tomura hadn't cried that hard since he was a child, he didn't leave his bedroom for weeks. It had almost been a month when he finally started getting more active again. He didn't need Dabi, the league would be just fine without him. He didn't tell anyone what had happened, not Toga, not Twice, not even Kurogiri. None of them knew what went wrong at all, and he didn't wanna talk about it. He didn't want to trust anyone ever again, not even with his feelings.

   It should be obvious that Tomura Shigaraki suffered from so much more than just a simple broken heart....

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