For Shirafangirl Part 6

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Meet Y/N and Silver's future child, Gold. (Named after an opposite material of Silver.)
Gold is know to have special abbilites with her friends and family, she would only practice her pyschoenisis powers instead of doing some very simple training with her dad while her mother is training her how to use weapons and manners. Gold dosn't act naive like her father instead she would ask her mother about the decisions and why it good or bad. Gold is know to be mischevious because she would sometimes practice her powers without her parents permmison and she really enjoys the night because she wants to see her powers golw also showing some knowledge to the people she protects.

If her parents are out someone in a adventure, Gold would use permmison first instead of going alone; to ask if she can go with them. Gold really dosn't trust random strangers and fake friends, so she would tell her parents about it and they will give some responsibilities, but while Gold's parents are also off somewhere she would spend some time with her uncle, Sonic. Sonic would tell stories about her mother's past life and about the chaos emeralds power. Gold would dream some day that she would be a singer and a chorras emerald searcher.

People would bug her about her parents so she would use her powers to make them stop bugging her about her lovable parents also her friends. Not only that, they would bug her about her chest fur so while she is tired of those kind of stuff she would tell her parents about it, then her parents would try to help her out with those kind of problems. Kirby might also help her out with sun trust and finding a chaos emerald by giving her a glow which means that a chaos emerald is nearby. He might even tell stories about his past to her and leave out the bad memories so that she would'nt cry in fear or sadness.

(Art not mine)
(The pink one.)

Magic:(Ignore the girl

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(Ignore the girl.)


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