Flashbacks and Backstory

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I'm walking up to the Mikaelson mansion to spend my day with Nik and maybe Beks since I have nothing else to do today.

I walked in and noticed the mansion completely empty of Nik's things.

"Nik?" I called out. No answer

"Nik?" I try again.

Rebekah comes walking down the stairs with a somber expression. I can see the pity when I Look into her eyes.

"He left." She tells me with a frown on her face.

My eyes widen when she tells me this. "What do you mean he left?"

"He heard about some witches conspiring against him in New Orleans so he went to try and put a stop to it."

"Why didn't he say anything to me?" I ask her.

"I'm not sure, but he left you this note." She hands me the note and then leaves the mansion.

Tears start forming in my eyes as I open the note to read it.


As you probably heard by now I have left for New Orleans to find the witch that dares to conspire against me. I will not be returning back to Mystic Falls and I do not wish for you to come to New Orleans to see me. I have to be honest, I don't think our relationship would have worked anyway with me fancying your sister and all. Also with the wolf girl in the mix. Farewell love who knows when our paths may cross again.

- Klaus

I look at the letter in anger. What fricken wolf girl is he talking about. Did I really mean that little to him that he would just leave me?

I crumple up the letter and throw it to the ground and run out of the mansion to the only person I know that will make me feel better.

My sister.

One month later

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One month later....

It's been a month since Klaus left for New Orleans, and I'm finally starting to feel better about everything. Except the fact that I found out I was pregnant with his children. That's right I'm pregnant with twins. I guess it makes sense because I'm a twin.

I don't plan on telling Klaus or any other Mikaelson for that matter about my pregnancy since they were the ones to leave. The only one that I would wish to tell is Kol. I've always had a great relationship with him when he was alive. He was my best friend.

None of my friends know that I'm pregnant, not even my sister. I was still trying to wrap my head around the whole idea of being pregnant.

The Secret Mikaelsons | K. Mikaelson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now