2. A Soon Farewell

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I was stuck in place, my gut wrenched as if someone had taken a fork and twisted it all up into an unfixable mess.

 A laugh escaped my mouth, "What?" I chuckled as if there were a camera pointing at me and this were part of some sort of elaborate prank. The boy holding my shoulders looked over his shoulder at Carlisle, the man who let me into his home.

"Edward, I think we need to let him sit down first", Carlisle suggested to the bronze headed man. Removing one hand from my shoulder and leaving the other one their to guide me to an unoccupied sofa, it was a blueish-grey with no wear or tear. When I sat down on it I realized that the reason it looked brand new was because it actually was. It was firm with no give to it. As my eyes moved to the other couches I realized that the atmosphere was harsh, I was not welcomed here or at least not supposed to here. 

My eyes were finally pulled back to Edward, "So", I started, trying to get out of here as fast as possible, "Where IS Jonathan?" I asked trying to give him a kind smile to show I meant no harm and just wanted to grab Jonathan and go. As I spoke the youngest girl who was sat on the couch made her way over to me and placed her warm hand on my cheek. Before I could even register what was going on images flashed through my head. A small blonde girl standing over my brothers body, blood seeping from his head as if it had been torn off his body. The girl had deep red eyes and a look of amusement on her face. I noticed four figure surrounding her, two on each side in varying ages but all sharing her the similar red eyes. Just as fast as these pictures had a appeared they disappeared as the young brunette removed her hand from my face. The group watched me as I tried to rationalized what had happened in my head. Jonathan was dead? But are these flashing pictures enough evidence? I haven't seen his body for myself. Though if it weren't real then how did i see those pictures. My mind was racing a mile a minute. I looked up at Carlisle, I knew he would tell me the truth.

"Were, were those pictures real?", I ask the him.
"Unfortunately Drew, they were", he spoke with a look of sorrow in his eyes.
"Please", I began to beg almost throwing myself on to the ground, "Please tell me everything, I need to know why".

Carlisle shifted his focus to the petite woman who was sitting next to a strange uncomfortable looking man. The woman had short black hair thay reached her chin. Carlisle nodded at her and she gave a faint nod back as to confirm his wordless question. He turned back, facing me.

"Your dear brother, Jonathan was murdered", he paused for a second knowing how absurd his next words were going to be, "by vampires"

I felt as if they were messing with me but I sat silent and listening, even if some of what you said to me wasn't true maybe some of it would be and that would be enough for me to figure out what's going on.

"Vampires?" I asked making sure that was exactly what he said.

"Yes," he smiled. "We're immortals who live off blood as I'm sure you're aware of the concept".

"Did you have a part in, in what I saw?" I wanted to get straight to the point so I don't have to stick here longer if than I have to.

"Technically no", he turned and started pacing around the living room, though no noise came from the steps he took. "We personally didn't harm Jonathan, we don't drink humans". He looked over at me as to make sure I knew I was safe. "It was hover a small group of vampires sent here by the Volturi, they've been keeping an eye on us since your brother has been hanging around here. We had been planning to change him for awhile", he watched my reaction aware that I had heard nothing of this before. He continued "We had explained to them that the timing wasn't right but we had set a date, but they had came back a several times checking to see if he had become new born yet" His face turned grim recalling what happened

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