4. Fix The Pieces

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"School", I groaned. To be completely honest I hadn't really put much thought into it. I guess I had no choice but to go. "Will they be okay with me joining this late? Hasn't the second semester started already? And I missed so much before I moved how will I ever be able to catch up? Will I have to do all the work I've missed?" Panic was building inside of me, had I completely ruined my future before I even got a chance to start it? All because of those blistering brother killing losers? How was I ever supposed to catch up.

My thoughts took me over, I hadn't even notice I was trembling or the tears that began flowing in my eyes. My grandma placed her hands on either side of my shoulders. The shock of the sudden touch pulled me back into reality. "Dear, it's okay".

"I already talked to the school before you came here and we were given a couple of different options for you and I thought I would let you pick what you wanted". Her voice soothed me and I realized how silly this all was, there is always a solution. Even if I didn't go back I could always get my GED.

"I'm sorry about that", My head felt heavy, why do I always end up causing a scene? 

"Don't worry about it hun! I was very passionate about my education too", Grandma seemed to really care about me. I wish she were a bigger part of my life. No matter, at least she's here now.

I picked up my dishes from breakfast and took them over to the sink. "So how about you tell me some of the options for school?" I asked as I turned on the tap. "The two I thought you might like were starting homeschool now which then you would finish school around June or July and that will give you a chance to work as much or as little as you want" She seemed a bit unsure about this choice. "Or", she continued "You could start going to school now and take extra classes for tutoring and such to help you catch up".

I rinsed the plate off and gave myself a second to think.

"I want to go to school". I announced. 

I could feel relief in my grandmas voice as she spoke, I don't think she wanted me to be homeschooled, "Oh! That's great dear! I'm sure you will have a great time!", She smiled and clasped her hands together. "I will call the principal as soon as possible and tell him so he can set it up."

"Call? Why not just email him? It's the weekend you probably don't want to bother him", I said a bit confused.

Grandma let out a small laugh, "I know you where you lived before wasn't too big but this place is even smaller. If I wanted to I could walk to his place".

I never really thought of that. I guess everyone here is pretty interconnected, huh? Kind of like an ant colony. Though maybe that ain't a bad thing. I could make some friends, possibly even fit in as just another member of the community. Jonathan was always with his friends and I never quite got along with them too well, even when he tried to invite me to hang out with them. When I wasn't with him I was a loner. Maybe this time it will be different. I'll be the popular twin.

"Have you gotten any of your stuff unpacked?", grandma interrupted my thoughts. 

"A little", I lied, I hadn't gotten a chance to even empty my suitcase.

"Your mum brought in the rest of the stuff before she left", her hand pointed towards the front door where a few boxes of my belongings sat. "So how about you do that. Organize all your stuff in your room how you like while I get you schooling setup". 

"Yeah, sure, that sounds good" I said as I placed my wet plate on the drying rack and made my way my things. There really wasn't much here but she wanted me to entertain myself for a bit I guess. 

When I had finished carrying all my things to my room I sank into my bed. This mattress was much nicer than my old one and last night was the first good night's sleep I've had in awhile, but I was still so tired. I laid in my bed and gazed around my room. Even if it was full and decorated with expensive posters and picture frames, the walls still didn't tell the stories my old ones used too. The cracks, stains and water damage told the most interesting tales. That's one thing I'll miss about the old place. I shut my eyes and tried to think of at least one of the stories from all those years spent there. I could feel my frustration building as nothing came to me. A complete blank.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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