Her Comforter {Chapter 7}

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I wake up to the sound of birds singing a familiar tune. The ache of my body still lingers as I sit up. Across the room, Will is asleep in a chair by my bookshelf. Wearing the same pants and shoes as yesterday. Laying on his lap was Alani, purring sweetly. I look over at the clock on my bedside table.

"Oh my God, I should be at work," I whisper to myself. I slowly climb out of bed to my closet.

"Carmen, what're you doing out of bed?" He asks me, his low voice catching me off guard.

"I need... I have to.. work?" I couldn't find the right words to say.

"Work? You don't need to get ready for work. I called Kayla and explained everything to her. She said you and I had as much time off as you need to recover, okay? Don't worry about it, doll," Will said, walking towards me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and dug my head into his bare chest as I had yesterday. Tears immediately started streaming down my face onto his upper body. Everything came back to me immediately. It all hit me like a boulder.

"Shhhh... it's okay. I promise. It won't happen again," Will whispered to me as he ran one of his hands across my cheeks to wipe my tears. I started to cry even harder as my body sank to the floor. It felt as if I was being pulled with a magnet. Like I was being tugged under water, no way to swim to the surface.

Will slid his arms under mine, pulling me back up to him. He wrapped his hands around my body and held me there. His head rested on top of mine. "There's no reason to worry, love. I promise you," He ran his fingers through my hair, sending a sense of warmth and comfort through my body. Tears stopped flowing down my face. I looked up at him, almost bearing a smile.

"That's what I like to see. It's going to be okay. I swear to you with everything I have. With everything in me. I'll do what it takes for you to feel better. I swear," Will continued to weave his fingers through my messy hair. Gently, he lifted me up and made his way to my bed. He sat down first and put me in the middle of his lap.

"Is there anything I can do for you right now? Anything I can do to help you feel better?" He asked me, looking into my eyes. His blue eyes were still gorgeous. I could look at them for forever.

"Your eyes..." I blurted out. I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth.

"My what?" He asked me, still making eye contact.

"Sorry. I really just. Your eyes are so pretty," I told him, forcing myself to keep looking. He tucked my hair behind my ear that was annoyingly positioned in front of my eye.

"Thank you. Your eyes are beautiful as well," I felt my face get hot. My eyes fluttered to the other side of the room.

"Wow. You're so beautiful," He whispered to me as his grip tightened on my waist. I looked at him again to see him still staring into my eyes. "Carmen, I'm gonna go home and grab some stuff and bring it over here, alright? If you need anything-" He grabbed the notepad sitting on my bedside table and started scribbling something down. "-here's my number. Call me, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can be," He set me down on the other side of the bed and pat my head.

"Don't be too long," I tell him from across the room.

"I'll be as quick as I can," Will said closing the door to where only a sliver of light shone through to my room. As I heard the front door open and close, I tried getting comfortable on the bed. It was hard. I couldn't seem to be comfortable no matter how hard I tried. Not matter how I laid I was still uncomfortable. I needed Will back. He was my comfort. What I needed to be comfortable.

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