forgotten anniversary part 1

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Imagine you and Andrea are dating for about a year.

Your Pov~

"Yes. I love her" you said through the phone while talking to your best friend (y/bf/n) "duuude just shut up haha" You added. Then you heard a knock on your door

*knock* *knock*

"Hey. I gotta go. I'll text you later" you said then hang up.

"Comingg!" You said then opened the door.

"Hey babe!" Andrea said giving you flowers then she kissed you cheek but you just greeted her with a smile and a "hey." "Come in." You said while frowning "what's wrong?" She asked you after you both sat on your couch "nothing. Just tired. What are you doing here anyways?" You asked her "aren't you forgetting something?" She asked while frowning then looked at you with sad eyes "uh no.why?" You simply said while texting not bothering to look at her "it's our first year anniversary. Idiot!" She said while crying. Oh shit "what? It is?! Oh god. I'm so sorry. What date is it today? Gosh" you said while freaking out "I'm leaving!" Andrea said while crying and getting up to leave "hey babe. No! Stop. Stay stay stay" you said while hugging her back making her stay "no! Get off me!" She said while struggling to get off your grip but you were much taller and stronger than her so she couldn't leave "baby I'm so sorry. Promise I'll make it up to you." You said while pouting and kissing her shoulders "ugh. You're so stupid! How could you forget that?!" She said while punching you "hey calm down, calm down. I know I'm sorry. It's just that I've been working non stop lately and I'm exhausted. Im sorry I really am but I promise I'll make it up to you" you said while grabbing her arm to stop her from punching you "you better." She said but you just hugged her tight then wiped her tears with your thumb then kissed her forehead "sorry baby." Then you both sat on your couch again then you asked "so Andrea" you said while looking at her "yeah?" She said after taking a selfie typical Andrea you said thru ur mind "wanna watch a movie?" You asked her "yes! Lion king baby pleaseee?" She said while getting excited then bounced on her seat smiling widely at you ADORABLE was all you can say. "Sure babe" you said
Ugh. Lion king.. Again. Nevermind I forgot our anniversary sooo. You said thru ur mind While putting the CD.

Andrea and you were cuddling on the couch watching lion king but you weren't really paying attention to the movie. You were thinking of how you would make it up to your girlfriend. Andrea.

But suddenly you heard Andrea cry loudly then said "noooo!" Andrea whaled then scared the living shit out of you "bloody hell! What happened?!" You said panicking "simba's father died... He died! He died (y/n) nooo!" She said while crying but you just laughed at her but she kept crying gosh. You've watched that a million times! You mumbled "I heard that!" Andrea said after calming down and wiping her tears "sorry. Hahaha! You're so cute" you said while kissing her then hugging her tight.
I'm so lucky to have her you said through your mind "aww babe. I also heard that. And I'm lucky to have you too" she said while climbing on your lap burying her head into your neck ADORABLE

"Are you gonna watch the movie?" You asked her while kissing her temple "no. I've watched it a million times. I just love the part that his father died.. It's so emotional" she mumbled sleepily "okay. If you wanna sleep like that it's okay baby" you said while rubbing her back "okay thank you" she said before drifting off to sleep then after a good 15 minutes you heard a soft snores you smiled then thought I am so lucky to have her "I'm sorry I forgot our anniversary today. I'm so stupid" you mumbled then picked her up bridal style while going through your bed then put her down "goodnight baby. Love you" you said while kissing her forehead and after that you took a picture of her sleeping. to post on twitter. You captioned "@anonymousx: happy 1st anniversary my ❤. I love you so much :) @andrearussett" before drifting off to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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