Chapter 11

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I woke up with a startle and the minute I opened my eyes, my head started to hurt making me wince in surprise. I moved my hands but something tight and hard was preventing me to. I quickly glanced back and saw that they were tied with a thick strong vine and I also started to realize that I'm now sitting down on the ground, completely tied up.

"Oh great, you're awake now." A familiar voice said and I looked up and saw mia standing in front of me, with her book open in her hand.

"What are you doing?" She chuckled and sat down on one of the big rock in front of me.

"What I should've done a long time ago." I frowned in confusion and she just smiled back at me.

"Mia let me go, why are you even doing this?" She shrugged.

"To survive. I was right about this place, it's not normal. If you want to survive then you have to be the only one alive to get out of this place."

She flipped through the pages of the book before staring down at me again.

"Kimberly,check! Lloyd, check! Parker and Corey? Hmm, not sure but that coyote will do the job so, double check!" She started to laugh and the sound starts making my head hurt even more.

"You're sick!" She faked pouting at me and got up from the rock and crouched down so that she's eye level with me.

"Sorry Diana, but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta to survive." She walks away and I tried to free my hands again but the vine just kept digging deeper and deeper into my skin.

She appeared in front of me again, but this time the book is not in her hands anymore. She was now holding a sharp pointy small rock and she flashed me a sickening smile.

"In case if you struggle." She said, referring to the rock.

She pulled me up to stand and started to push me forward to head towards the river. I finally realized what she's planning to do and I started to panic.

"Mia, don't! Please don't do this, no stop! Mia!"

She turned me around to face her, flash me another annoying smile, and pushed me down. My back hits the water and before I had the chance to gasp for air, she grabbed me by the neck and pushed my head back in the water. I struggled with all my might to scream but it wasn't helping when water started to fill my nose and my mouth. I kicked my legs out, hoping to land a hard one at her but she wasn't standing in front of me, she was standing next to my head, with one of her hand holding me down.

My chest starts to burn and hurts so much that I could feel myself losing all the energy I had. Honestly, this wasn't the way that I thought I'll die and all I could think at that moment is my mom. My mind was literally calling out to her but I knew deep inside me that I was gonna die and no one was coming for help. I couldn't breathe anymore, stars danced across my vision even though I was looking straight up at the sky, and trees danced mockingly above me.

I was starting to lose strength and I was no longer struggling, my body had turned numb. I heard something, I was nearly slipping into unconscious but I swear I heard it right. Mia's grip around my throat suddenly slackened and I could no longer see her from my peripheral vision. Something pulled me out of the water and that's when everything came rushing back to me. I gasped for air and coughed out water while crawling away from the river.

"Diana are you okay? Look at me, can you breathe?" I fell down on the ground and lie on my back.

I glanced to the side and chuckled with relief when I saw parker by my side. He slowly helped me up to sit and I quickly looked around for mia. I found her lying on the other side, unconscious.

"What, happened?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and stared at me in concern.

"She was trying to drown you, so I knocked her out with a rock. What happened?" Before I could reply, mia started to groan and slowly gets up.

"We have to go, now!" He helped me up to stand and a small dizziness starts to hit me.

Parker wrapped his arm around my waist to help me stand steady. We both stared at mia as she starts to stand up as well and glaring at us at the same time.

"You'll regret that." She said to parker.

We both started to step back when she starts to stumble her way towards us. A loud growl suddenly came from the top of the hill and we all looked up and saw the coyote staring down at all of us. I swallowed down the tight knot in my throat and gripped Parker's arm, tightly.

"Can you swim?" He suddenly whispers in my ear and I glanced back at him in confusion.

"Yeah. Why?" He jerked his head back to the river. I finally understood what he was trying to say and we both glanced at mia who was staring frighteningly at the coyote whose now making it's way down the hill in a hurry.

"Let's go!" We both ran back into the water and started to swim across to the other side.

"Hey! Please you can't leave me here, I can't swim! Diana, parker help me!" Mia screamed from afar but we kept swimming till we managed to get to the other side, safely.

We both looked back and saw the coyote running down and jumped straight at mia, attacking her savagely that I had to close my eyes from watching it bit and attacked her so quickly, ignoring her screams.

"Cmon." Parker pulled me up to stand and I glanced back one more time at mia lying really still and all covered with blood with the coyote still on top of her but this time, it was staring right at us.

The eye contact lasted for only a minute that I had to force myself to look away. It was just something in its eyes that held me captive for a moment there. The hair on my skin was standing on edge the whole time I was staring back at it. It flashed me its white sharp teeth that's dripping with blood before raising it's paws and struck Mia's head that it awkwardly turned in a weird angle.

I quickly turned around and followed parker away from the river side, leaving them behind with no look back.

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