Sarcastic Gays, Happy Relationships

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"Did he die?" Finn thought, looking over where his boyfriend disappeared what seemed like ages ago. He had gotten up and was about to go look for Percy until he felt something pull him back down to the bench from behind. "What the...?" Finn was about to throw his hand back to smack the person pulling him down when he saw the small boyish figure of the one that he loved, jump over the bench and sit down on his lap.

"I hope you didn't miss me too much." Percy smiled and kissed Finn on the cheek.

"I was about to go looking for you 'cuz I thought you died or something," Finn said as he pulled the other closer to him.

"Well, looked to me like I was about to a few seconds ago," Percy smirked as he pointed to Finn's right hand which was still clenched. He looked at his hand, immediately opening it, and placing it on Percy's hip, pulling the boy closer than he already was. Percy giggled, which made Finn smile. He leaned down to kiss the other, but instead of landing on his lips, he was met with a hand dividing them.

"Not so fast lover boy," Percy laughed, Finn's smile faded into a small pout. "You said that my plan could still work, but for that to happen, you have to close your eyes and not open them till I tell you, ok?" In response, he got a small nod and a pair of closed eyes. Percy stood up from his boyfriend's lap. "So like I said before, nothing was going how I had planned. I had this whole extravagant thing set up for you, but somehow everything ended up going wrong." He went silent for a moment, and all that Finn heard was what sounded like the crinkling of a wrapper. "You can open your eyes now." Once he was given the 'ok' to look, Finn slowly opened his eyes to see Percy on one knee in front of him looking at what he was holding in his left hand.

'A ring pop?' Finn thought as he let a small laugh escape his lips.

"I had this whole speech for you that wasn't too long but wasn't too short," Percy started to explain. "It was going to be absolutely perfect, but that's no longer part of the plan." Percy finally looked up and smiled at the tall boy sitting in front of him. "Now I'm just going to be straight f..." he was cut off by someone yelling to him in the distance.

"It's a little late for you to be straight now, isn't it, little bro?" Amber laughed. Percy glared over at his sister who was watching everything from the top of the rock pile while Finn started laughing hysterically.

"She's not wrong," he laughed, earning himself a soft punch to the arm.

"As I was saying," Percy said loud enough for his sister to hear. He tried to sound annoyed, but failed and ended up laughing along with Finn.

"Ok," Finn took a deep breath trying to calm himself down, "please, continue."

"As I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted, I decided it was better to be forward with this instead of dragging it all out with a long speech and all the nerves that go along with it," he said, taking a breath before he continued. "So, Finn Embery will you...," he paused and looked up at Finn with a blank stare. "Well damn, I forgot what I was going to say. Hm, I'll have to get back to you when I remember," Percy shrugged and starting to get up, as a smirk grew across his lips.

Finn wasn't having it, he put his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders and said, "Percy I swear! You're ruining the mood."

Percy laughed, "Ok, ok. Finn Embery, will you marry me?" He held up the red ring pop while maintaining eye contact.

"Hmmm, I don't know...," Finn smirked evilly, then laughed. Percy pouted. "Of course I'll marry you, Stupid!"

Percy let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, but he was still frozen where he sat.

"Finn Embery, the absolute love of my life, just agreed to marry me! I really hope I'm not dreaming!" He felt a swift hand hit the side of his face with a smack, "Ow, Finnnnnn, what was that for?" Percy whined as he looked at his now fiance.

"I was proving to you that this isn't a dream," Finn laughed at Percy's new expression, his cheeks lightly dusted a rose color from the embarrassment.

"I... I said that out loud??" Percy stuttered out, trying to hide his face with his free hand.

"Yup!" Finn said, taking the ring pop out of his love's hand, putting it on his finger, and admiring it for a second. "I don't think this ring is going to last until the wedding though," he joked as he took a lick of the pop. "Also is staying on the ground for the rest of eternity part of the new plan?" Finn asked.

"Not originally, but as we know, plans tend to change," Percy shrugged with a quiet chuckle. Before he knew what was happening, Finn pulled him up by his tie into a passionate kiss. When they pulled away to take a breath, Percy started to pepper sweet kisses on Finn's lips, and with each breath, he said one word, ""

Word Count: 919

Welp I hope you liked whatever this was.  

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