Chapter Nine: The mall

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   Y/N laughed at the messages the Bakusquad was sending each other.

Mina: Hey, would you guys like to go to the mall?

Kirishima: I guess that would be fun.

                                             Yeah I'm up for it:Y/N

Bakugo: Tch, fine I guess that would be kind of fun.

Y/N quickly walked over to their bag and started looking through it. They grabbed an outfit and asked for Mina's opinion.
"That looks perfect on you." Mina told them." You'll look perfect for your new boyfriend." Mina smirked.
Y/N blushed." Mina you may be my best friend but you REALLY get on my nerves sometimes."
Mina just giggled and continued picking out an outfit. Y/N waited for Mina.
   When Mina got finished getting ready they went outside the front of the hotel and met up with the rest of the Bakusquad.
   "Okay let's gooo!" Mina said as they walked to the mall.
   Once they got there they all walked to an empty and open part and stopped.
   "Where should we go first?" Mina asked.
   "Well I was gonna go to (favorite store)" Y/N told them.
   "I'll go with you dumbass." Katsuki told Y/N.
   "Well I was gonna go to the music store." Denki said." Since my guitar kinda broke..."
   "Well, me Kiri and Denki will get going to the music store." Mina said." And the two lovebirds can go with each other." Mina gave Y/N a smirk and winked.
   "MINA!" Y/N blushed and walked away with Katsuki.
   Y/N and Katsuki walked to (favorite store). Most of their walk was silent. But after a few minutes of walking Y/N noticed Katsuki had been holding their hand. They blushed lightly knowing that  Katsuki's hand was gripping theirs.
   "Okay, we're here." Katsuki said as they walked into the store.
   They walked around the small shop. Y/N mostly dragging Katsuki around by his arm. Y/N held up a piece of clothing.
   "How do you think I'd look in this?" They asked.
   "You look perfect..." Bakugo said." Just like in everything else..."
   "Okay then." Y/N replied.
   They walked around the little store some more. Y/N asking for Katsuki's opinion often. Once they had found some cloths they liked they went to check out. They payed for the cloths and walked out with Katsuki.
   "We should probably find the others." Y/N suggested.
   "Yeah probably." Bakugo replied.
   They walked to the bench that Mina, Kiri, and Denki were standing at.
   "The two lOvEbIrdS are baaack." Mina said.
   "Seriously, Mina?" Y/N said.
   "Yes." Mina replied.
   All of a sudden a loud crash came from the entrance. Screams filled the area. Though the smoke Y/N could see blue flames. SHIT
   "GUYS THATS THE LEAGUE!!" Y/N told their friends.
   "THEN GO HIDE DUMBASS!" Bakugo yelled.
   "Guys!" Kirishima said from behind them." Just calm down, and Y/N you don't even have a provisional hero license!"
   "Good point..." Y/N replied.
   "Exactly now get behind us!" Bakugo told them."I don't want to let you get hurt!"
   "Ooo someone's protective." Mina said.
   "Not the time Mina!" Kirishima told Mina.
   "Okay okay." Mina responded.
   Y/N got behind them. Of course I can't fight,

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