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The scene shows the team exiting the tower, and entering a haunting and dark forest.

The scene shows the team exiting the tower, and entering a haunting and dark forest

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Dean: this place is giving me Purgatory vibes all over again.

Mimir: it does appear that way. No doubt since it gives that impression, we'll most likely be encountering monsters like that Hekatonkheires beast. Either way, I suggest we use caution.

Agreeing with that, they began to make their way through the forest. As the path went on, they noticed that they were being watched from multiple directions.

Týra: I don't like this.

Vali: me neither. Why aren't they going for the kill?

Týra: they're observing us. A predator observes its prey first before striking. In our case, they're waiting for us to lower our guard.

Karasu: not to mention, you all reek of blood.

True to his word, their injuries weren't healing. Every bruise they received after coming here was still there. All their cuts, stabs, shot wounds, and other injuries were still fresh. It honestly was a miracle that they didn't die from blood loss or infection by now. However, something was keeping them alive, because they still kept going.


Back in their home world, Merlot was hard at work with the project. He had his four experiments in a training room as they were fighting against Grimm. He types some commands on his keyboard, and begins an audio log.

Merlot: Merlot's Log—Day 37 on Project Striker. What started out as something impossible, is slowly turning into a success. There is still more work to be done, but soon, I will have the perfect warriors to bring this world to its knees.

Pulling up a file, we see pictures of Dean besides someone.

Merlot: Determination's counter part. Code name—Segregation. The subject has adopted a smart ass personality, no doubt from the original. However, they've shown to have the same fighting style. While I'm unable to give them a more "devilish" trait, the fallen angel mix appears to be working beautifully.

The computer changes to show Vali's file next to another.

Merlot: Vengeance's counter part. Code name— Tyranny. Cold personality aside, this subject's combat demonstrates the full capabilities Vergil would've had had he not become a mindless brute as Nelo Angelo. Like with the previous subject, fallen angel traits had to be embedded into the genetic code in order to replicate the Devil Trigger powers.

Nikki's file then appears next to the next subject.

Merlot: Nemesis' counter part. Code name—Konquest. Replicating Umbra Witch magic isn't a challenge, but the results are intriguing. The subject has so far been able to summon three unique spirits like the original. However, they possess different possibilities. Fighting style is mostly with guns and knives, but until more tests are conducted, this "Joker" of ours remains a wild card.

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