1. New Beginnings

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     I haven't always lived with dad. My mom told me when I used to live with her, that my dad left us. It wasn't until I was around the age of 5 that I remember really asking about him. Like what he was like. She didn't tell me much since she didn't really like to talk about it, she would just say that he was always busy working and then one day left. It wasn't until I was actually living with him, and grew to an appropriate age, that I got the full story.

My mom was just a one night stand in what I like to call his "playboy" era. She was a reporter writing some article about him and his success with stark industries. I guess she never told him about me just because it was incredibly difficult to get ahold of him. 

Around the age of either 4 or 5, mom got sick. I don't remember what it was, but I do remember that it was really bad. I remember the countless doctors appointments. Eventually her sickness got so bad that she had to stay in the hospital. I of course couldn't stay with her all the time because I was in school. That was when I met Mrs. Thompson and her little family. She fostered me for a bit. 

I don't remember how long that bit was because all the memories flood together at this point. I do remember I became best friends with her kid. I think the kids name was Flash, I could be wrong though. I remember their cool beachside house and how he and I would beg his mom to let us play down on the beach sometimes.

I think after maybe a month or two of Mrs. Thompsons family fostering me mom died. I remember the day i came home from school and I remember asking to go visit my mom. she took me and when we got there, mom looked so tired and really pale. it was weird to me because she was usually very tan. I knew at that moment she didn't really have much longer despite being five. 

She told me that she had the doctors call dad's assistant, and that there was the possibility that I was going to meet him and get to live with him. She told me she loved me so much and that she was always going to be watching over me. I wasn't really sure what that meant at the time. After that she told me to go wait out in the living room because she needed to talk to Mrs. Thompson.

After what I think was a couple hours a pretty lady with strawberry blonde hair walked into the waiting room. I was laying on Mrs. Thompson's lap and she nudged me a bit because she thought I was asleep. I sat up and saw her standing a little ways away from us. 

Mrs. Thompson told me that she was my daddy's assistant and that she would take me to see my dad since he was working. She then told me that she was going to get my things from her house so I could stay and talk to my mom if I wanted. After she left, I looked at the lady who then introduced herself as Pepper Potts. 

I later learned that the real reason he wasn't there that day wasn't because he was working, it to make sure no one saw him in public with me because he wanted me to live out of the public eye. It was also because he was kind of freaking out and was trying to get everything in my room set up. 

I told Mrs Potts that it was nice to meet her and then laid down on the chair that Mrs. Thompson was sitting in. Suddenly a swarm of doctors ran down the direction of where my moms room was. Pepper looked around to see where they went and then a few minutes later one of the doctors walked up to talk to her. She was the first person to know that my mom was dead. I remember seeing her face drop and then she came over to sit with me. I could tell that she didn't really know what to say so she took me to the hospital cafeteria.

Mrs. Thompson came and found us and handed me my little hello kitty suitcase. I remember as I ate french fries off the tray Pepper talked to her. Mrs. Thompson was the person who told me my mom had passed.

I didn't really understand the fact that I was never going to see her again. I just thought that she was sleeping. and that I could continue to visit her in the hospital. She sat with us a little while longer and then she had to leave. She gave me a big hug and left. That was the last time I saw Mrs. Thompson.

You could call it love ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now