~School life~

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Now that your all caught up you can enjoy the story!
Today for the first years they are picking out their hero names. Mimi is included in this moment because last year at her old school they only allowed second years to choose their hero names, so Mimi will be joining another class to pick her name. The number 1 hero All Might brings her into class 1-A and asks Mimi to introduce herself when Mr. Aizawa was finished talking to his home room.
"Okay class today we have a student joining us to pick hero names. Please.. just don't harass her".
"Hii guys! I'm Mimi Itoshii! I wasn't able to pick my hero name last year as a first year at my old school so I have to do it as a second year here. Hope you guys don't mind?" As she looks around the room the Students are amazed because of the new second year in their class and others she's familiar with wave their hands for her to go sit with them.

POV switch
"Wow you guys have funny and unique names!" I notice some people used their names and some where honestly super cool! I've been thinking of my hero name since I was super little so I wrote it down immediately and waited for my turn to go up and present with Midnight.
"Okay Itoshii your turn!"
" My hero name is Hīrā. Hīrā written this way means peace. My big sisters helped me find this name and I find it cool to say Hīrā the healing hero." I smile as the class got kinda quiet and I see some students looking at me with awe.
"That's a very beautiful name Itoshii. To have a name that means peace makes it sound like you are a great hero!" One girl had said smiling brightly.
"Thank you that truly means a lot!"
"Always! My names Ochako Uraraka and have a kinda week quirk too so I'm gonna do everything in my power to become a great hero!"
" I believe anyone and everyone can be a hero even if you are just like you and I with small quirks. If they can help in any way shape or form then your on the right track!"
We both laugh and since I was the last one to be called the bell for lunch finally rang and we all moved along to the cafeteria where I was gathered by the whole class at my table where I usually sit alone or with Bakugo and his gang. I was asked a lot about my experiences and my quirk and who my older sisters where. It was great. The day went by quickly and I was finally back at home with my sisters.
" So Mimi what did you do at school today?"
" we picked out our hero names!"
Aniko spit out her water in excitement.
" hahah calm down. I picked Hīrā. I know mom and dad would love it." My two sisters broke down into tears and hugged me tightly.
" you're right Mimi ... they would be so proud of you" Ena said while whipping her tears away. After that night I was seen as the healing hero in training Hīnā.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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