Did kiyo meet Sakayanagi for the first time in the school?

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So who is the man who helped Arisu in the SS that talk about a walk to the beach ? Arisu baits him but Kiyo himself act that he doesn't know anything

Kiyo said that he once went to the beach once when he was 14 years old. At that time there was a stop and transfer of WR facility

This story which I have written is from the above spoiler.


 It was my first summer out of the White Room. The temperature outside today was over 30 degrees Celsius, and it was difficult to get used to the different environment.

It was then that Matsuo, my butler, said to me, "It's a beautiful day, why don't we go to the beach?


 I had seen it in books and on TV, but I had never actually seen it with my own eyes.

 I'd like to see it, but I can't imagine going outside on such a hot day to see it.

 Matsuo must have sensed my thoughts, because he continued.

"Since it's summer, I think it would be better for you to see it at least once. Besides, it's not good for your health to be cooped up in the house all day."

 I wondered if that was something you should say to someone who hadn't been outside in over ten years.

 After that, I reluctantly took the car and Matsuo was driving to the beach.


 When I arrived at the beach, I saw the ocean for the first time in my life.

 Matsuo went to park the car, and I was dropped off first.

 Seeing it directly like this, I felt something inside me that I couldn't get from TV alone.

 The smell of the ocean for the first time, the feel of the sand, each one pierced me in the heart.

"Maybe Matsuo was right about me coming here. ......"

 As I was saying this to myself, I saw something pass in front of me.

 I looked in the direction of where it was going and saw that it was a white hat.

"Was it blown away by the ...... wind?"

 But when I looked in the opposite direction, there was no sign that someone was chasing the hat.

"I'll just pick it up. ......"

The owner would be in trouble, and I had nothing to do, so I decided to chase after the hat

"...... it's surprisingly fast."

 It was quite a struggle to get the hat , but I managed to catch it.

"I was sweating a lot from running."

 Normally I wouldn't, but in this temperature where I'm sweating even when I'm not doing anything, my clothes are soaking wet after just a short run.

 I thought I might get heat stroke, so I decided to hydrate myself before looking for the owner of the hat.
Fortunately, there was a vending machine nearby, and Matsuo had given me some money, so I decided to buy some mineral water.

 I pushed the mineral water button and was about to pick up the bottle when I heard a strange sound coming from the vending machine.

 When I raised my head, I saw that something like a roulette wheel had started.

 The numbers seemed to be in four digits, and the sevens lined up one after another.

 When the last digit was reached, the roulette slowly stopped and four sevens lined up.

"...... does this mean I can buy another bottle?"

 I've never used a vending machine before, so I don't really understand, but when I saw that the button was glowing again, that seemed to be the case.

"Well, if it's free, why not? ......"

 I took the bottles.

 After that, I walked down the beach in the direction the hat had come from.

 After walking for a while, I found the girl who seemed to be the owner of the hat sleeping on a covered bench near the lighthouse.

 There was a cane beside her, and I guessed that she had a limp.

 Sweat was dripping from her forehead and neck, and she was in danger of heat stroke.

It's a good thing I hit it just right.

 I put my hat next to the girl's and placed the mineral water I had just bought on the brim to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. Then I took a handkerchief out of my pocket, wet it with another bottle of mineral water, and placed it on the girl's neck.

"...... I better get going."

 As Matsuo would be annoyed if I left the place too soon, I quietly left the place so as not to wake the girl.


 It was early February, the first day of spring. I was holding a hot can of coffee in my hand. The can was a little too hot, so I took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around me.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you..."

"Oh, what is it?"

 Masumi said, while watching me.

"You seem to be carrying around a lot, that brown handkerchief. Isn't that a man's handkerchief?"

"Doesn't it look good on me?"

"To be frank."

"I don't dislike you, Masumi, for your straightforwardness."

 I smiled thinly and looked at the handkerchief once.

 It's certainly a very plain and simple men's handkerchief, which is hardly my usual taste.

"It doesn't belong to me, so it's no wonder it doesn't fit my image. Let's just say I borrowed it."

"Borrowing a handkerchief? ...... What is that? Isn't that a little creepy?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so."

"You're laughing. ......"


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