Stuck With U

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Yes, this is the 'Dan had to call Phil an Ambulance" story once again.
It seems like everyone and their mother is retelling this story and honestly? I can see why.
Anyway, if you like this version, don't forget to kudos and comment! Enjoy! X


Daniel Howell can legally say he's had a lot of bad nights over the course of his entire life and he's not lying about that either. He's written a whole book to prove it. It never gets any easier however, despite that information.

He can still remember nights as a kid when he had so much anxiety gnawing at his brain and in his chest that it made his heart race, the shadows in his room becoming crawling, shapeless beings more than just stationery objects he'd neglected to put away in cleaning his room like little boys should, pulled from the light in a new way that was terrifying to a child.

There are nights that are clear as day and some that are a haze of colours and sounds from when he was a teen, angst and depression as well as a sprinkle of questioning his sexuality quite violently several times over making a curtain of rain over certain events, like a windshield on a car without working wipers.

Sometimes the wipers were alcohol, sometimes it was work that distracted him from his internal storm and sometimes they were something more sinister. Things that he doesn't like talking about, but multiple therapists insist he do so. For his own good, they say.

He never sees it that way.

He doesn't know exactly how he managed to land Phil of all people, much less be lucky enough to call him his one and only, but he's bloody grateful.

He often wonders what they would have been like should he have braved the late nights of uni still, the words of an essay he'd be slaving away on blurring into each other like a math equation as he worked on a law degree he never wanted in the first place, but his mind soon returns back, head turning to seek out Phil and anchor him back to the present.

His life is something he never imagined it would ever be and he honestly doesn't know just /how/ he got to this point, but he's damn well never going back to what life used to be.

So it makes sense that when he and Phil decide to buy a palace of their own with their hard-earned YoutTube money and start life anew, that things would go wrong.

Dan's exhausted, so much so that the entrances to rooms are warping in shape, but there are still a ton of boxes to unpack and move and recycle, even if it is 2 o'clock in the morning.

They need to set up the gaming room, their bedroom, the living room, Phil's setup, his setup...the list goes on and on, yet all his thoughts for the moment are falling through his mind like sand in a sieve and instead of making him anxious like normal despite his antidepressants, he's barely giving them any comprehension as he shuffles from one box to another, lazily pulling out items to check if it's worth putting effort into relocating them.

Everything sharpens however, both hearing and seeing Phil wander into the room he's currently buried up to his chin in, as he knows something is wrong. Phil's eyes are wide and panicked and he's clutching his throat like a vampire just took a bite out of it, hand shaking.

Now, it's a fair point that Phil had already earlier attended the same space as him, broken glasses in hand, to tell him in gratuitous detail how much of a fucking idiot he seemed to be already (no normal, fully functioning adult puts any glue, let alone superglue in their mouth, JFC) in the house and already, Dan was feeling iratable in the haze of the early morning after a long day of throwing things into cupboards and onto shelves, but it seems that the night is about to get a whole lot longer as Phil is just standing there before he suddenly speaks, quiet, yet more serious that Dan's ever heard him be in their whole time of knowing eachother. "Call 999."

Stuck With U (Dan Howell/Phil Lester)Where stories live. Discover now