Chapter 3

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—— Cute Little Dumpling...!

Lisa adapted to 'life after-five-years' in a short time and became familiar with the environment. Jisoo told her that her life had been very bad before that, and she'd been muddle-headed all the time. Lisa probably guessed it, but she could not understand it. If she could accept the worst things now, why couldn't she accept it when she suffered these things five years ago? But it didn't matter anymore. What she needed to do now was adjust her condition as soon as possible.

After a short adjustment, she began to help her sister with work. Speaking of which, her sister had also paid a lot for the restaurant. When their mother passed away, Jisoo had been busy with the judicial examination. She was a top law student. However, upon their mother's passing, she took over the family restaurant. The restaurant was run by their grandfather and was of special significance to their family. She didn't want the restaurant to be closed at her hands, so she gave up her ideal and took over the job.

Her sister had sacrificed so much, so what face did she have to continue being ignorant? No matter how she used to be, she must now cheer up.

On the one hand, she could help her sister, and on the other, she could rest assured when she got better. Peace Restaurant had a good geographical location with several universities around it. Off late, the takeout industry had developed unprecedentedly. There were especially many people ordering takeouts when they came to the restaurant. 

Sometimes, when the takeout boy couldn't deliver, Lisa would help out. She was mainly responsible for the Seoul Aeronautical Engineering Institute across the restaurant. Every morning, she would first help her sister with the restaurant affairs and then manage the accounts. In the afternoon, she would go out to deliver. Her days were very fulfilling. Almost all the students in the university ordered takeouts, and almost all the delivery locations were in the student dormitory. 

So in the afternoon, she basically ran back and forth from the restaurant to the student dormitory at 2:00 p.m. On route to the student dormitory was a kindergarten. On that day, Lisa by chance glanced towards the kindergarten when she passed by on her scooter with the takeout. 

There, she saw a child staring at her from behind the iron railing of the school. It was a little boy. He was wearing a long, white down jacket, its hem almost reaching his ankles. Inside it was a black turtleneck sweater. It looked cool and handsome, but because he was small, this one exuded a cute feeling. 

He was white and tender and with large, watery eyes he stared at her. She felt as if she had been caught, and could not help looking more. Such a distraction, she didn't notice the big pit on the road; the scooter drove right through and shook for a moment. She wasn't able to hold it steady, and as such both the scooter and she fell down. Really...Embarrassing! 

It was not a heavy fall. She hurriedly sat up and did a quick check on the takeaway. Fortunately, it was okay. She was just about to get up with a sigh of relief when she heard a jog. Lisa subconsciously looked up and saw the child who had just been staring at her running out of the kindergarten. His little face was worried. Perhaps, blown by the cold wind, his cheeks were dyed with a small flush of red that made him even lovelier. He stood beside her but did not approach too closely, keeping within a certain distance. His little eyebrows rose up gently as he asked, "Are you all right, Auntie?"

The kindergarten teacher anxiously ran after him and said, "Jae-joon, you can't run out until your dad comes to pick you up."

The child named Jae-joon pointed to Lisa who was still squatting on the ground and said, "Auntie is injured." The kindergarten teacher held Lisa up and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

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