Chapter 11

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—— Mr. Jeon: She Actually smiled At Me?

Sleep together with Jungkook?

Are... Are you kidding me?!!

Lisa did not answer for a long time. She was so embarrassed that she dared not even think about it. One did not know if Jungkook had noticed her dilemma, but he finally opened his mouth for a reminder. "Jae-joon, I told you, don't scare your mommy."

The little child sighed softly, lowered his head, and said with a low tone, "Okay, I know." His little lost appearance was really pitiful, but Lisa did not even dare to think about it*, so she did not know how to comfort him. Fortunately, the child's mood came and went quickly, and soon he was happy to play with her.[*T/N: the matter of her sleeping with Jk]This topic was over with, but Lisa had a constant feeling that the atmosphere around her seemed to have changed a lot and become a little subtle and ambiguous.

The little guy's biological clock was very accurate, and he began to doze off at bedtime. Lisa took him to bed, but as he approached his room, he stopped. Though sleepy-eyed, he carefully asked her, "Can I sleep with Mommy?"

His sparkling eyes were filled with anticipation. Lisa was stupefied for a moment. How could she have the heart to refuse him, so she did not think much about it and said, "All right, ah."

The little child was so elated that he rushed at her with a face full of excitement and said, "Then, Mommy will wait for me while I get my change of clothes and mouthwash cup." Then, he ran into the room.

After the little guy left, Lisa unconsciously turned her head and saw Jungkook standing beside her. Somewhat embarrassed, she smiled at him and nodded. She thought he wanted to go back to the room, but even after a while he did not leave, now she was even more embarrassed.

"You should not listen to Jae, there is no one who takes advantage of the situation, and there is no chance for anyone to take advantage of it."

"Ah?" Lisa was a little bit confused, but when she thought about it carefully, she remembered what Jae had said to her before... those aunts would want to take advantage of the situation.

"If Mommy doesn't get close to Daddy, those aunts will want to take advantage of the situation, I don't want other moms."

"Mommy and Daddy sleep together. The other children's parents sleep together."

It really was...Why did he specifically explain this to her? Lisa was very uncomfortable, smiling a little awkwardly, she said, "I... I see." Fortunately, Jae came out soon, Lisa hurriedly helped him change his clothes, and then took his hand and immediately flashed into the room. She breathed a sigh of relief only after she had closed the door.

Lisa soon found out that her son's self-care ability was unusually strong. Brushing his teeth, washing his face, and changing his clothes, was nothing difficult. He was only a little bashful when he took a bath. 

Lisa worried that he could not do it and wanted to help him, but the little guy anxiously said from the bathroom, "Mommy, don't come in, I can do it."

Lying in bed, the little guy nestled in her arms, happily giggled and affectionately called her again and again, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." He just couldn't part with her. Lisa felt that her heart was going to melt when the little dumpling, which was less than four years old, called her like this.

All this felt so unreal... She came to an unfamiliar home belonging to her and became someone's wife and mother. Now the little dumpling was cocooned in her arms, reminding her over and over, that this was her son.

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