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Sunwoo and Dabin grew closer, their friendship became better as days passed. The boy's confession was put aside by Dabin, but deep down inside, he was still hoping that the girl at least, consider about his feelings.

And it had been two months since Chae Soobin stopped getting on Dabin's nerves. She didn't feel relieved at all but to feel uneasy instead. How could she not? The elder knew her deepest secret and it could be leaked at any time.

She didn't want people around her to think that she's weak, unable to protect herself. She found it irritating to have someone pitying on her.

But Sunwoo kept reminding her that it was totally fine if everyone knows that she was bullied, it wouldn't affect her that much. It's not that she's the bad one in this situation.

With that, she started to recover her friendship with Hyunjae, but in the most cautious way because she knew that her action would only add fuel to the fire.

"Dabin!" The girl turned around upon hearing her name being called out.

"Oh, Yuna?" Dabin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you going to meet Sunwoo today?"

"Yes, with the others. Why?" Yuna smiled before getting something from her pocket.

"Can you help me pass this to him? I was clearing my handbag and found this airpods. I suppose this is his."


"Thank you!" With that, the girl walked away, leaving Dabin alone, sighing.

They must be very close back then.


Class 4's homeroom teacher, Ms. Lim entered the classroom, causing the chattering around the class slowed down.

"I'm sorry to take your time, but there's announcement I have to make." She flipped through her notebook pages before proceeding her words.

"Since school holiday is approaching, we'll be having school retreat for 3 days and 2 nights." Few groans were heard around the classroom.

"For your grade, it will be held on the second week of school holiday. Take note and please be prepared. Thank you, have a nice day!" Ms. Lim smiled and walked away from the classroom, leaving the discontented students behind.

"Whyy?! I was planning to stay in my bed all day!" Haknyeon dragged his chair, walking towards Dabin and Yubin.

"Is it compulsory for everyone?" Dabin asked, looking at nagging boy.

"Yes. It's an annual event." Chaekyung, one of their classmates spoke as she was distributing the leaflets given by Ms. Lim earlier.

"Ahh, I see."


Dabin was currently walking with Yubin and Suhyeon ahead from the boys. She turned her head towards the back and made eye contact with Sunwoo. The boy raised his eyebrows, noticing the girl's action.

Dabin then made her way towards him, causing the others to stop walking as well. She took the boy's hand and placed his airpods on his hand.

"Yuna said you left this in her bag." She mumbled, not making any eye contact with the latter and turned away, proceeding to walk with the girls.

The boys were confused, changing their gazes from Dabin to Sunwoo back and forth.

"What was that behaviour?" Sunwoo spoke, having no idea as well.

"She's usually like that when she's pissed off." Hyunjae slightly whispered, preventing the girls from hearing his voice.

"Like what?" Juyeon asked.

"Mumbling her words like that." The boys mouthed an "oh" as a response.

"What did I do?" Sunwoo then asked, still clueless.

Hyunjae just shrugged his shoulders.

"It's for you to find out."


"We'll be doing campfire tomorrow night. I need few of you to collect firewood around this campsite. Don't get too deep into the woods."

"The remaining can help your friends to set up their tents." Seo Woobin, the student council president gave instructions as soon as the students gathered at the yard.

The 11th grade students started to disperse, taking care of their own businesses.

"Suhyeon won't be around for these 3 days. It started to get boring already." Dabin sighed while setting up the tent.

"Indeed! But she must be relieved that she doesn't have to treat us meal this week." Yubin spoke, receiving a chuckle from Dabin.

They both got up and walked towards their other friends' tent to help them setting up their tents.

"Why did they break up tho? They look good together." Dabin heard murmurs coming from some girls not too far from them.

She turned her head, looking at the direction the other girls were talking about. Sunwoo was walking with Yuna. They both were carrying firewood in their arms.

Unknowingly, she just stared at the two, ignoring Yubin, who were noticing everything.

Getting aware with the situation, Yubin nudged her friend's arm but the latter didn't budge from her place. "Let's go somewhere else." Yubin whispered, slightly pulling the girl's arm.

"Huh? Uh-okay." Dabin took a step backwards with her eyes never left the two figures.

What she didn't realize was there's a big rock right behind her foot and it slightly wet since it's near the streams.

She stepped on the rock and accidentally sprained her ankle, causing her to fall into the ground.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry! I should've not pulled you too hard." Yubin bent down, observing her friend's foot.

"No, no. The rock is happened to be slippery. It's not your fault." Dabin waved her hands, ensuring her friend.

"Dabin, are you okay? Stay here, I'll call for help." One of the girls that happened to be there left to call for help. Dabin was about to stop her but she was quick enough.

A familiar figure came not too long after.


"What happened to you? Can you walk?" Eric panickedly ask. He squatted in front of the small girl.

Dabin scoffed. "Of course I can, you guys are just making this like a huge fuss." She tried to get up but only caused the pain to become worse.

"As if." Eric snickered. He placed his one arm under her legs and another behind her back.

"Eric put me down. This is embarrassing!" Dabin kept on hitting the boy's arm.

"Where's your tent?" Eric cut her off.

"Follow me." Yubin walked ahead, guiding Eric towards their tent.

All eyes were on them. Some were looking in awe, but one with jealousy.


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Love, Nia♡

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