Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The hot dry desert air did little to nothing for my tired eyes,  it was the day after my meeting and I had gotten no sleep the night before, I could have faked being sick but my mother would never argue with my father and he would never fall for it. I quickly ducked my head a little lower when a dark cloaked figure passed by my siblings and I as we walk back home from school though I shouldn't need to worry as my Father works for F.E.A.R you can never be too safe. If anyone ever found out what I do every month I shudder to think about the repercussions. As a part of the Wild Ones I'm considered one of the most wanted people in the world at the moment some of the only people more wanted would be considered higher up on the list would be the leaders of the cause, I've only met one of them before It was the first meeting I had ever been to The Mystic had shown up that was three years ago.


F.E.A.R. had taken over when I was only 13. Hundreds of things became outlawed almost overnight, one of the most prominent was art almost any kind, no music was allowed besides singing,  no one could draw or paint anymore there were no games to be played by children  a curfew was put into place no one could leave their homes after 5:00 in the afternoon and church attendance was now necessary every Sunday from 7:00 to 10:00 if you were missing you had better hope you where on your deathbed.

Walking through the door of my house I track my way up the stairs and into my bedroom throwing my stuff onto my bed and putting up my sign that said I was studying, taking advantage of this time I snuck through my room to where I hid all of my art supplies, In return for food and water the rebels would supply us with contraband like instruments music and art, the room held posters of the rebellion and my own personal radio this was one of the first things I was given every member of the group in the city owned one, every night broadcasts were put out to let us know what was happening and when the next meeting would be and every few weeks they would broadcast one of there songs. During the day it was nothing more then replays of past songs all of which I had heard before. A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts sending me into a flurry of motion I sprinted to close the door gently and flung the radio back into its place before calmly opening the door to see my brother William standing there, the two of us shared eye colour a vibrant green but he had the same hair as my mother and twin sister a golden blonde colour a speckling of freckles crossed the bridge of his nose which was scrunched up in annoyance, "Chrissy won't play with me will you" I sighed knowing that when I went downstairs I wouldn't hear the end of it from my family but how could I say no

"Okay Will but you have to promise not to speak a word of this to mum dad or Christina" he nodded his head in wonder as I led him into my room closing the door gently and walking to the secret room, I had been fighting a battle in my head for the past week if I should tell him about the uprising happening around us "I'm going to show you something William something that you can't tell a soul about not mummy not you friends no one" he nodded his head wide eyed knowing I meant buisness when I'd used his full name opening the door I ushered him in before closing it and picking up the guitar hidden away in the corner I strummed a chord gently watching his reaction change from fear to wonder at the objects before him "Lilly where did you get these they're banned" his voice was quiet he knew if we were caught we were both in trouble "Will theres an uprising people are sick of the way F.E.A.R is treating us, do you want to hear something?" pulling out my radio I turned the volume down to low, The Prophet's voice came across the broadcast smoothly "The kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there. Lift a stone and God is there." I watched my brothers reaction carefully as more broadcasts came through. when the knock came to my door telling us that father was home and dinner was ready I ushered Will out of my room telling him to go wash up before gently replacing everything and walking down to the table dreading what was to come.

"Lillian your teachers tell me you are failing your Math and Science classes is this true?"

"Yes father but if you have spoken with my Teachers you also know that I am excelling in my Language and History courses" I flinched at the look that crossed his eyes it was one of cold judgement.

"What would people say if they knew that my daughter was failing in her most important classes, What would they say, if they found out that you were excelling in the unimportant nearly banned arts" his anger became nearly palpable and I bit back a furious retort, ignoring what he said I finished my dinner before excusing myself to my room. Laying down and looking at my ceiling I listened to the voice of The Mourner as he explained what was planned for the next month I almost jumped for joy when he said they had discovered a way to make their broadcasts to be linked to the PA systems around the cities apparently in two days time they would broadcast across the PA system in place of the usual prayers of the day. That night I fell asleep with joy sparking in my eyes.

heres my first chapter enjoy

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