Chapter Four: Video Call

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The screen freezes and with an annoyed huff I slap my phone. I'm on a group call with my friends and the wifi seems to enjoy my suffering. It's taken a while to find time for all seven of us to finally talk and today the connection decides to be bad.

Of all days!

I wait for a few seconds before I can see them moving again and purse my lips.

"And she's back!" exclaims Marco Bengu.

I roll my eyes at my childhood best friend. He laughs falling back on the bed he's sitting on, making me unable to see his braided coily hair, light brown eyes and caramel brown skin anymore.

The boy was born in South Africa, then when he was three years old his parents decided to move him to our small town. My parents had lived in Dallas, Texas for a while with my two older siblings. I don't remember much except Sam and Ellie being born, but I do remember moving from there to Silver Wayne. My parents met Marco's parents and he and I became friends through them. Mama and Papa didn't know any one else so we hung out with them a lot. Marco and I just kind of fell into a friendship since then and out of all my friends, he is my closest.

"Shut up." I drag out.

"What were we talking about again?" Theresa Daniels asks.

Her mom is Muslim and her skin that slightly shows that but her dad's genes dominated so she looks more American than Muslim. She has hazel eyes and her shoulder length hair is currently died a really light blue.

"That hot dude Mils met." says Rhea Patel with an amused smile.

Rhea, her mom and Mrs Daniels look so similar it's scary. All three of them look like Rhea and Theresa's grandmother when she was their ages. Rhea has slightly darker skin than Theresa, curled black hair and black eyes.

I can't help but smile.

Rhea and Theresa I had met at the mall with Marco, Ellie and Chris when I was ten years old. We didn't know them because they were in a different school. We had bought our tickets for a movie and just as we were about to go in, Marco realised he had to go buy something important and didn't want to go alone, so Chris offered to go with him and Ellie was at her stage were she wouldn't leave Chris even for a second. I wanted to go too, but they made me stay to find and save them seats.

I'd done that and it felt like I was waiting an eternity. Rhea and Theresa approached me and saw the three seats I was saving, but I stopped them and explained the situation. Theresa thought I was lying and said, "Honey, we've been here for fifteen minutes watching you sit alone. Don't worry though. You don't have to lie about coming alone to the movies. It's sad, but don't worry, we'll keep you company."

I laughed and Rhea kept apologizing her for her cousin's rudeness. I shrugged it off though.

"Thanks sis." Chris had said when him, Ellie and Marco arrived.

I looked at Theresa and burst out laughing. We'd decided to hang out again, and again, and again, and then they thankfully moved to the same school as Marco and I. We'd become a strong foursome after that.

"Right!" Risa snaps her fingers with a bright smile. "I still can't believe you fell into the arms of a good looking guy. How does that happen?"

"We wish it'd happen to us." Jasmine and Yasmine pout.

The Brocco twins, are just as beautiful as the rest of my friends. The two Italians have light brown skin and dark eyes. Jas has long dark brown hair that reaches her mid-back, and her sister's hair is highlighted, and stops just past her shoulders.

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