Chapter Five: Mall

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I take a few steps forward until there's an arm's lengths distance between us. I have to look up at him because he's so tall. My head reaches his chest and it makes me frown a little.

"Goodness your tall."

He chuckles and nods amused, "Or you're just really short."

"I'm average."

"Nope. Just short."

"Whatever." I huff. "Leave me and my height alone."

He chuckles a bit more and then stops. "Anyways, I need to go."

"Go where? Aren't you new to this town?"

He opens his mouth and then closes it with a thoughtful look.

"I was just about to go to the mall. Come with me." I demand.


I open my mouth and place my right hand on my chest, "Why?"

"Because I don't feel like shopping Cocoa Pops."

"We're not going shopping, we're gonna watch a movie."

"I don't even know you and you're already trying to slide in?"

"You can get to know me and why not?" I shrug. "It's not a crime for a beautiful girl to want to go out with a cute boy."

He places his hands in the front pockets of his jeans.

"So. . ." I trail. "Movies?"

He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding, "Sure."

"I came with my car, so let's meet at the mall." I instruct as I walk to my car. "See you soon, Handsome."

"Yeah, whatever Cocoa Pops."


"How long have you and your family been in wonderful old Silver Wayne?" I question, sarcasm lacing my last four words.

"Two weeks."

"Have you been to the mall yet?"

He shakes his head, "No. This is my first time."

"That's amazing!" I beam, "That means I can show you around and we can spend even more time here."

"I don't think I want to do that."

I accept the two medium sized popcorn buckets and then hand them to Azure. The lady hands me our drinks and I give her a grateful smile and walk to the entrance of the theatre. A guy in uniform asks for the tickets when we arrive and I close my eyes tightly and internally sigh.

"The tickets are in my back pocket." I turn back to Azure. "Take them out for me please."

"What?" He asks taken back.

"Take the tickets out of my back pocket." I then add, "Please."

"No way." He scoffs.

"Why not?"

"Cause I'll touch your butt. No thanks."

"Azure take out the tickets."


I scowl and we go back and forth until the ticket man gets annoyed and says, "Tickets or you can both leave."

I narrow my eyes at him and he groans. His hand reaches out and into my pocket and he retrieves the tickets that he hands to the man. I walk in ahead of him and find us seats in the middle of the theatre.

"So about not wanting to spend the rest of the day with me-"

He shushed me then whispers, "The movie's starting."

I look at the screen that's still playing the ads.

"No it's not!" I hit his arm.

He looks at me incredulously and I shrug and turn my attention to the screen as the lights are switched off and 'Luca' actually starts.

I'm bouncing up and down from excitement after watching the movie.

"Can you please simmer down a bit." chuckles Azure. "The movie wasn't that great."

"Are you kidding me!" I exclaim loudly, which earns me a few strange looks from the people around us. I give a sheepishly apologetic smile and bump Azure's shoulder - or arm. "Disney is the best and it paired with Pixar is a beautiful baby I will always love. The movie was awesome and I will not hear anything against it."




"Shut up and let's go get food."

I walk ahead of him and smile when I hear him mutter something about me being crazy. As we pass different stores, I act as a tour guide for Azure.

"And here we have H&M." I stop us to look at a skirt on the mannequin in the shop window. "Cute. Alright let's proceed, kind sir."

He laughs at my British accent. "You know you're quite good at that."

"Why thank you." I slightly bow my head. "I've been practising."

I stop us when we get to Pizza Hut and we're directed to a table. The waitress - who looks close to our age, maybe a bit older - gives us the menus and leaves.

"Let's share a pizza." I suggest as I put the menu down and fold my arms in front of me.

"Cocoa Pops this isn't a date and you know it." He replies without his eyes leaving the menu.

"I know but I'm not made of money and it's cheaper."

"Then I'll pay."

"Absolutely not. I convinced you to come with me, it's only fair I'm the one to pay."

He puts down the menu giving me a pointed look. "You also bought our tickets, popcorn, snacks and drinks. It's okay. I'll pay."

I squint my eyes at him for a bit. "Fine."

He nods with a small smile, "Then pick whatever you want."

I pick up the menu and browse through it until I decide on a simple pepperoni pizza. The waitress comes pack and I recite my order. Azure orders a chicken and mushroom pizza and I have Appletizer, while he gets a chocolate milkshake. The waitress gives Azure a warm smile and then points it at me. When she's gone Azure speaks up.

"I think she likes you."

"Who?" I ask tilting my head a bit.

"The waitress. She wouldn't stop looking at you, and smiling at you."

I laugh and widen my eyes, "Are you insane? No way."


"She smiles at you too, Handsome. That doesn't mean anything."

"Clearly you didn't notice just how long she stood and smiled at you. I bet when we're done she'll give you her number or ask for yours."

"She won't." I disagree.

"Fine, five bucks says she does," He holds his hand out. "And if she doesn't, I'll pay you."

I give him a challenging smile and reach out to shake his hand. "Watch out Pretty Boy, mama's about to be five bucks richer."

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