Chapter 2 GoodBye

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My uncle let us stay with him for a few days then he will send us to the orphanage. "thank you..."I manage to say, then my sister realizes how angry she should be and screams at me angrily, "THIS IS ALL YOU'RE FAULT!! IT WAS YOU WHO SCREAMED FOR NO REASON AGAIN!! BUT THIS TIME MOM'S NOT HERE TO YELL AT YOU!!". My uncle tries to calm her but she slaps me hard on my face, giving me a bloody lip and nose. I can't help myself I jump on her, she hits the floor when I hear a crack in her back I quickly get off!! First I kill my mother, now I paralyze my sister. My uncle tries to get my sister to stand but it's too late she can't even talk! My uncle's afraid I would do the same to his kids, so I have to sleep and eat outside. He made it clear that I am not to come in contact with his family at all. Now it's certain he's also angry, completely hates me, and I hate myself as well. I realize my world is slipping away from me, all because of my anger. I promise myself to control it.

    A few days pass and more men come, but these men did not come to kill anyone, but to take me to a home until the train to the orphanage comes. My sister gets to stay because she cannot travel, as the men said that my uncle shot me an angry look. I pack my things, not that there was much to pack, just a picture of my healthy still alive family, a few clothes, and some food. I go hug my sister and whisper to her "I'm sorry for everything....I know it's my fault...". A tear drops from my face and also hers. I hug her and look around for the very last time. "Everyone has a Happy Ending!"  my teacher would say, but the way things look for me, it's as if I won't have one.

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