The Orphanage (ch. 1)

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A/N: This is my first time writing fanfiction so I apologise if it's bad.


・Noone's POV・
Ranboo has been in the orphanage for 3 years now. He is 16 years old and most families want little kids under the age of 10 or around the age of 10.
Some families did take him in but ended up sending him back a few weeks later.
He has been in 5 homes over the 3 years at the orphanage, some of them were bad and the others did not last long.

The first home he was in, the Williams, were alcoholics and mostly ignored Ranboo.

The second home he was in, the Rogers. They were quite a good family but they once again mostly ignored Ranboo during the second week because they had a lot of work.

The third home that took him in, the Forrests, were drug addicts and mainly adopted him for money.

The fourth home, the Nelsons, were a nice family with 2 kids already. Unfortunately, the father passed away on the third week he was there and the mother couldn't handle 3 kids by herself.

Finally, last but not least, the fifth family. The Lyons. They were a bad family again. They didn't like Ranboo because of his two-colored skin and his abnormal height. They took him in for money mainly, and since he was a hybrid they wanted to sell him to a factory that worked with hybrids.

He luckily got out of that one. And now he's back at the orphanage.
"Why do I even try to get into a good family?" Ranboo was by himself in his room,  since he never wanted to interact with the other kids since most of them were younger than him by a lot.

His thoughts were running wild in his mind until someone knocked on the door of his room.

"ranboo?" He soon realized it was Puffy. Puffy was one of his favorite caretakers. Before he got to respond, Puffy opened the door and walked in, smiling at Ranboo.
"A family is here to see you. They do look quite nice." She said while smiling.
Ranboo didn't seem excited, but she wasn't expecting him to be.
"Please come to the meeting room once you are ready. I'll go wait with the family and hand them some papers to fill out." Puffy said to Ranboo, which she only got a small nod from Ranboo, which was enough to satisfy her. She left the room giving Ranboo one last smile.

Ranboo got on his feet and got dressed. He put on his shoes, grabbed his memory book, and headed downstairs to the meeting room.

・Ranboo POV・

"Ah Ranboo, you're here. Come on, the family is waiting for you." Puffy said when she opened the door to the meeting room to leave. I walked in and Puffy closed the door behind me.

I looked towards the desk to see a fairly nice-looking blond guy in a green outfit and a white and green bucket hat. What caught my attention the most though, were his big grayish wings.

"Hey mate, Ranboo yeah? I'm Philza Watson but you can call me Phil." The man said. I approached the desk and sat down on the opposite side of 'Phil'.

"These are my 3 sons. Introduce yourselves, boys." Phil said, I looked over to his sons.

One was wearing a yellow sweater and a red beanie with a pair of black trousers. He had dark brown slightly curly hair and brown eyes. He seemed very happy.

The one who sat beside him was a blond guy with blue eyes. He wore a white shirt with red on the upper part of his shirt, blue jeans, and a red bandana. He looked over-excited I would say.

And the last one was leaning on a wall not too far from the desk. He was dressed like royalty and wore a crown on his head. He had pink hair that was pulled back in a braid that reached down to his waist. He had a bored expression on his face.

"Hello I'm Wilbur but you can call me Wil for short. I like to play guitar, write songs and I enjoy geography!" The one with the yellow sweater exclaimed.
"Hi I'm Tommy but you can call me Big T! Nice to meet you, man!" The blond one shouted. He's very loud.
"Hi, I guess... I'm Technoblade but call me Techno." A monotone voice spoke.
"H-hello.. I'm Ranboo but I guess you already know that." I spoke barely above a whisper.

"So, Ranboo what do you like to do?" Phil asked me. I didn't expect to be asked that. I thought for a minute. I didn't know what to answer so I simply shrugged. I don't do much here in the orphanage. "Well, I guess you're not a talkative one so how about we tell you about ourselves?" Phil asked me again. I nodded my head, he looked like he was desperate to start a conversation. I don't blame him, we sat in an uncomfortable silence every minute or two.

Phil talked about himself and his sons, how they live and what they usually do, Wilbur and Tommy hopped into the conversation every once in a while and Techno spoke the least out of them. He was mostly there in silence listening.
I opened my memory book and started writing down important things to remember about this family that I knew I would forget later on. I saw Techno looking at me every once in a while with a confused look? I don't know, it's hard to read his facial expressions.

∆ Time skip brought to you by chibi Puffy ∆

"Alright, the meeting time is over. Mr. Watson, please come to the main lobby later. Ranboo you can go to your room if you want." Puffy came in with a smile plastered on her face. I nodded and came over to her.
I waved towards the family and left the meeting room, on my way towards the stairs. I came into my room and sat on my bed, writing down the rest of the information I got from this family so I would remember.

• Puffy POV •

"So what do you think about Ranboo Phil?" I asked the kind man. He smiled and looked at his kids, it looked like they were silently communicating. Phil looked back at me and there was a genuine smile on his face. "Ranboo's a good kid. I'd like to adopt him."
My eyes slightly widened and I smiled. "Alright. Here are the papers." I say as I handed him the papers from the desk in the main lobby. "I'm going to tell Ranboo the news. While I go please fill out these papers. Excuse me." I turned and walked towards the staircase.

I went to Ranboo's room and knocked three times like I usually do. I heard a faint 'come in' so I opened the door.
"Ranboo? I've got news." I said enthusiastically and turned around to meet Ranboo's eyes. Of course not directly.
"Mr. Watson is adopting you! I know you're not too excited about this but I think you have a big chance of getting a normal family for a longer while!" I exclaimed.
Ranboo still didn't look too convinced. I thought so..

"Come on Ranboo. It won't be that bad. Mr. Watson is actually an old friend of mine. I'm sure that you will like it with him. Give him a chance, okay?" I told the 16 year old boy in front of me. "He's coming to pick you up tomorrow at 9AM. You can either start packing now or tomorrow in the morning when you wake up." he nodded and looked in his book again. I'm guessing he's writing down what he knows about the family.
I left his room and headed downstairs again to the main lobby.

I saw Phil had already finished signing the papers and his kids talking with one another. "Alright. Phil you can come pick Ranboo up at 9AM tomorrow." I said looking at Phil who smiled and nodded slightly. "See you again tomorrow Puffy." he said and turned to his kids and they headed outside. I hope Ranboo gives them a chance.

・Phil POV・

We headed towards the car in silence. I got in the drivers seat, Techno sat in the passenger seat and Wilbur with Tommy got in the back seats. I turned the car on and started driving.

"So what do you guys think about Ranboo?" I said as I still looked at the road. "I like him! Even though he didn't talk much I think we all will get along." Wilbur said from the back with a loud 'yeah!' as well coming from Tommy. "I really like him as well! He's so cool, did you see how he looked like? I need to come up with a sick nickname for him later!" Tommy exclaimed loudly which I snickered at.

It was Techno's turn now to say his opinion on the boy. "He's cool I guess. He almost looks like he's 2 people mixed together with the two-colored skin and heterochromatic eyes." Techno shrugged and spoke with his usual monotone voice. I smiled that he took interest in the boy.

I guess we are all excited for tomorrow.

1560 words

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