Transferees. Another Summon of call ?!

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Neptune : Hello. I'm here of the behalf on the author... Well... He is adding his childhood Pokemon... Hahahaha...

Author : Neptune!

Neptune : Well... I am going back to my dimension, bye!!!

Author : Yeah its eeveelution... Yeah... Sort of exposed but I'm not scared to show it... I was scared at first.... But I have to think to myself that I don't care... Well caring  to others.

Sylveon - Sylvie
Espeon - Esper
Umbereon - Darkness
Flareon - Flare
Vaporeon - Vapor
Glaceon - Glace
Jolteon - Jolty
Leafeon - Leaf
Eevee - Sunshine

Those I got from nicknames for them. Anyways I will be adding the another... servants.

Ivan's POV

After that vacation.... It was nice to relax. And few days it was school. It said there were new classmates six of them here... I wonder who were they...
I hope that my friends and Merlin doesn't go another booze and do his Original Noble Phantasm and giving different people also women dick... This is why I don't like to summon him in first place but never mind...

Narrator POV

What Ivan doesn't know is the Nakano sisters were going to transfer in Kuoh. And stay with Ivan. He would be surprised... It would be an eventful day for him....

No one POV

The teacher had announce six students are transferring here. What Ivan saw is.... The Nakano Sisters?! And Akari as well?!

Ivan POV

What are they doing here?! Akari and her sisters are here?! What the hell?! I thought this is uneventful.

A/n well sorry... Other me its plot... By the Author!!! Kono Author Da!!!

 By the Author!!! Kono Author Da!!!

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Ivan : ' Fuck! How did they find- '

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Ivan : ' Fuck! How did they find- '

Ivan realized he gave the address where he was studying.... I am going to be doom aren't I?

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