Chapter 44

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Chae ? Are you mad at me ?
Chaeyoung ?? Why you're not answering me ? 

Baby ? Answer me please .. Mina turn around she was shocked to see Chaeyoung already sleeping . " I thought you're mad ,
Mina pinch his cheeks . Sleepy again ? Hmm it's my turn !
Mina gets Chaeyoung's phone as they exchanged their phones inside the function hall . Mina take a picture of Chaeyoung she put Chaeyoung's baby finger on his nose .
I'm sorry Chae hehehe you're so cute . Let's see if you're happy to see this memes of yours .
Mina lay down hugging him . You smell so good huh I like your scent so addicting .
Meet me later by 7pm I'll wait you there , bye for now . Mina kiss his cheeks

Mina left him to have her makeup she needs to be presentable for tonight's event every investors are also in the party . This is the time she will be introduced to them as a whole she's also sleepy she wants to sleep but she needs to prepare herself .

S K I P   T I M E

Mina is talking again to Jackson while waiting for Eunha and Chaeyoung she's inside the event prior to the schedule . Jackson give her a wine to drink , while drinking the wine Jackson keep on asking about her . " Mina how are you and Bambam ?

" We broke up

Why ?

"Bambam changed a lot Jackson I can't understand him anymore.

His my friend also Mina I'm happy you decided to broke up with him. He dated many girls in Thailand his not serious with you Mina .

Mina's tears fall down that she didn't noticed it . "I tried to understand him all the time Jackson because I love him ,  I also doubt what his doing in Thailand but I don't want to confront him. I'm tired arguing him

Jackson felt sorry for her friend he wiped Mina's tears and kiss her cheeks . " Let him go Mina he doesn't deserve you .
Mina saw a familiar person in her peripheral vision the person turn around instead of walking towards their direction .
" Chaeyoung !

" How many time this guy will glued on Mina ! He even kiss her ! Nice view right ?
I noticed Mina look at my direction so I turn around and leave them . I walk straight not looking back at them , I hide beside the next door I heard no footsteps I felt relieved that she didn't call me again neither followed me . I waited for a couple of minutes hiding beside the foods before I left the function hall .

" Chaeyoung !!

Chaeyoung stops from walking , " not now please
"We're are you going ??

I left something in our room , Chaeyoung turn his back and bowed to her.
I'll be right back .

"Stay here , get back inside . Mina gestured him to come closer to her , she cling her hands on Chaeyoung's arms . " Someone is jealous again I am right ??

I'm not ! . Mina chuckled she poke Chaeyoung's dimple " accept it or not I know you're jealous look at your face right now . It's nothing you misunderstood it .

Tss ! Misunderstood ! Chaeyoung murmured .

Mina ! . A guy waved at her . Mina smiled and waved back at him " Oppa ! I miss you , meet Chaeyoung .
Chaeyoung meet my Oppa Jinyoung his my classmate also .
Hi ! Chaeyoung extended his hands to Jinyoung .. Son Chaeyoung nice to meet you .

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