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04 | The Dufflepuds

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04 | The Dufflepuds

The Dawn Treader had reached another unknown island. This one seemed to be deserted with no people or creatures living on it's grounds. The longboats were lowered once again, everyone aboard the ship getting onto a boat. Rowing them towards the island, getting ready to set up camp.

There was a small girl who had recently joined their crew. Her name was Gale, and she snuck aboard the Dawn Treader to be with her father, Rince.

Kya hadn't really associated herself with the girl, since she wouldn't be able to talk with the child. Though she still felt the girl's curious glances in her direction. Kya had been keeping to herself a bit more, reading through the many books on the ship.

She held one tightly in her hand, bringing one with her to the island. Kya had been keeping her distance from Caspian, the same was said for him. Kya was thinking about trying to spend more time with him, get to know him better so she can accept his kiss next time. Though Kya had realised that she would probably never see Caspian again when Aslan sends Lucy, Edmund and Eustace back home.

Kya didn't want to attach herself to something that wouldn't go anywhere. She didn't want to waste her life sulking over a boy. Besides, her parents were already thinking about marrying her off to some rich man.

A relationship with Caspian wouldn't workout, it would have to come to an end at some point.

The sun was setting, everyone was getting themselves in a comfortable position to sleep in. Kya set her blanket down next to Lucy and Gale, laying beside the two girls. She flicked open the book she was reading, letting out a yawn.

Lucy had a book of her own that she brought from the ship, reading a bit of it to Gale, trying to put her to sleep.

Kya's eyes started dropping, the sun now fully set and the sky now pitch black. The only light were the stars sparkling all over it. Her book slid from her hands, as she fell into a deep sleep.

Gale had fallen asleep, as Lucy read to her. The youngest Pevensie, started to drift off as well.

The loud, and obnoxious snores of Eustace filled the cool air. Everyone was sleeping soundly, no disturbances in their sleep whatsoever. Well for most of them.

Kya felt a tug on her arm, it was rough and hard. She was pulled up abruptly, shocked over taking her as no one was there. She looked around to see the same was happening to Lucy. Something covered her mouth, dragging her away from the sleeping figures.

Kya tried to kick at the invisible creature, trying to shake out of it's tight grip. Though nothing happened.

She was harshly thrown to the ground, Lucy landing beside her. Kya grabbed the dagger form Lucy's belt, only for it to be knocked out of her hand.

Kya reached into her pocket, grabbing a knife that she snuck from the ship just in case. She rushed to her feet throwing the knife, a shriek of pain filling the air.

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