The Storm

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The Storm

Naina Maheshwari

I shouldn't have believed this fairytale. After all its my life that we are talking about. Nothing comes easy and love! Wow its like asking for luxury. No am not complaining! Especially about Sameer am not, since he has been my knight in the truest sense. Ever since our reunion he has been moving mountains to make me feel at home and pampering me to great heights. He would bring me flowers each day and that too my favourites , carnations. When I asked him why he did so, then he had simply replied,

Sameer: let me pamper you sweetheart, am trying to woo you back

I had giggled at the idea but then he had taken it really seriously, along with flowers he had started getting me gifts. On somedays books from my favorite author to buying me clothes and jewelry. He made me happy but then I shouldn't have believed in all the happy moments since now the storm was at my door.

The storm named Sunaina, standing tall in her six-inch heels glaring down at me like I was some parasite. Before her arrival, I had been running all around the house getting our clothes stuffing them in suitcases. We are due for a honeymoon, yes this too had been one of the gifts that Sameer surprised me with. In past I had always expressed my desire to visit Paris for Honeymoon, I know many would think the choice is too cliched, but I wanted to do that not for the sake shopping or having my share of binge at the open-air cafes there but for the love of history. Yes, I wanted desperately to visit the Louvre and be lost in a different time. And this piece of information I had shared with Sameer when we were dating. He had remembered, was all that I could think of, when he got me this present. But now the surprise was all but ruined because of the woman who now intruded my space.

Sunaina: how dare you? How dare you put me and my father through such embarrassment and now you are behaving as if it's nothing!

Sameer: and you are behaving like you were madly in love with me

I could see Sameer turning all red, his hands had turned into balls of fist and while he spoke the words his teeth grinded against each other.

Sunaina: you broke my heart, I loved you and now you are mocking me for it

Sameer: sure, you did and hence you wanted a prenup that said that in case, just in case, in your words you were unable to adjust to my lifestyle or I had certain troubles with yours, and the marriage fell apart. Then you wanted me to pay you an alimony of some 100, 000 dollars and also this house would be yours and also 50 percent shares of my company were to be allotted in your name! wow! Such expensive love! No wonder! You are crying now.

I literally gasped at all the knowledge; he was actually contemplating marrying her after all of this. Sameer had told me, about the business deal that had been struck, that in exchange for Sameer marrying sunaina her father would generously invest in his future ventures. The partnership that stood null and void now. But he had never mentioned about this pre nup. I was scandalized at all the information

Sunaina: shut up!

Sameer: this is my home, hence I wouldn't and I don't have to, it is you, who is not welcome and hence I would suggest zip that mouth of yours and leave

Sunaina: ya offcourse, now that you are done with me for good. Does your wife know about all our escapades..?

Sameer: oh please, now you are gonna stoop down to that level?! Is it!

Sunaina: c'mon Sameer don't be shy, after all we were engaged and nowadays its as good as marriage

Sameer: for gods sake! Stop lying, I never laid a finger on you and you know that and if you think with these cheap tricks you are gonna break the trust that my wife has on me, you are sadly mistaken!

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