Pirates in a magical world, The Secret of Nautilus Island Chapter 2

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Tylar went straight to work after he got Jo home. He stood on his knees out in a field pulling weeds from in between stalks of corn. Marvin was at the other end of the row doing the same thing. Marvin was a black man, with a strong, handsome face he was in his mid forties and was about as tall as Tylar. Him and Tylar had been friends for years and were always joking with each other.

Tylar stood up and stretched then pulled his shirt off. His tan skin glowed in the sun. Marvin started laughing.

"What?" Tylar asked.

Marvin just pointed over to the gate and shook his head. Tylar looked over and saw that Carolina and two of her friends were standing there watching him. He went over and hung his shirt on the fence and the girls started giggling.

Just then a woman walked over and shooed the girls away then turned and called Tylar over to her. He went over and propped on the gate. "Ma'am?"

"Why are you working out in the fields like this?" She asked. "This is slaves work."

"Pardon my asking, but what does a slave look like ma'am?"

"You know." She nodded towards Marvin. "A colored man."

"Well ma'am." He sighed. "I didn't know that people had colors so I guess I just won't be able to tell myself apart from them."

The woman huffed, turned her nose up and walked away.

If anybody ever asked him about "colored" people that was always his answer and he wasn't afraid to tell anyone that.

He walked back over into the field and started back working.

"You know Tylar." Marvin said. "You's needin' ta stop doin' that kinda stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Tylar asked.

"You was ova there showin' off ta them girls when you's 'posed ta be workin'."

"I was just hanging my shirt on the fence." Tylar protested.

"Yea," Marvin laughed. "We'll jus' say that's what you's doin', but I know better."

"Okay fine." Tylar huffed. "I was showing off a little. Feel better now?" He stood up and felt a little dizzy.

"You okay?" Marvin asked.

"Yea." Tylar nodded.

"Your father's probably back by now and he'll be needin' your help." Marvin said.

Tylar sat back down. He was suddenly breathing very heavily and couldn't stop. His whole body began to tingle and he began to shake.

"Tylar?" Marvin said, but his voice seemed far away.

"I don't feel so good." Tylar rubbed his forehead.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out was Marvin run over to him. The next thing he knew he was laying in his bed at home with his father sitting in a chair next to him.

"I heard you got in a fight today." His father said.

'Yea,' Tylar thought. 'I just passed out in a feild, but it's the fight that really matters. Don't ask if I'm okay.' "How did you know?"

"Mark Edwards, Sam's father, told me." His father crossed his arms across his chest. "You keep getting in trouble and I don't know what to do about it and another thing I think you should take a break from working for a while."

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