Pirates in a magical world, The Secret of Nautilus Island

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Thanks Cupcake Ray for the awesome cover. I love it.




There once was a world of the sea. It was a magical world, though no one knew it at the time. Everyone believed that magic was only something out of stories. No one figured that on a small island in the middle of the Caribbean was where this story would have began. After it was over many stories were told of it and when people were told that the island of Blue Brook was where it started they hardly thought it believable. Many stories of it were told yes, but I'll go ahead and tell you that this is the one and only truthful account of the real story.

On this island called Blue Brook there lived a fisherman named Tom Morgan. He had lived on the island for most of his life. He loved the island though most people said the reason he lived there was because he was hiding. Not from a person, but from his past. For he was the son of the pirate Henry Morgan.

Tom lived on the island with his wife Lilly, his three year old daughter Layla and his seventeen year old son Tylar.

Now Tylar was tall for his age and he had always looked older than he really was. He was about six foot four, he had long light brown, curly hair, brown eyes, a dimple in his chin and because of how much he worked he was rather muscular. He was quite shy and liked being by himself a lot. He had always taken interests in things like finding new islands and sailing, mainly on his father's large fishing boat. He had always wanted to sail across the ocean.

It was a bright Monday morning when this story began. Now usually Mondays are said to be bad luck and maybe they are, for some would say that it wasn't good luck that came upon young Tylar. Anyway, let's get on with the story.

The seagulls flew all about and a lone pelican stood on a post next to Tylar's window. He took no notice of it though.

"Can I please go out on the boat with you today?" Tylar begged his father.

"No." His father told him. "You have shcool today."

"I don't like school." Tylar said though he didn't have to tell his parents that because they already knew.

He had never liked school because the other boys always tried to fight with him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Pirate for you." Layla giggled.

Pirate was Tylar's over dramatic macaw, who believed that he was a human.

"You are going to school." His mother told him.

"I'll go get my stuff." Tylar sighed and went to his room.

He tied his hair back, grabbed his book and left.

On his way to school he met up with his girlfriend Josiphina. He always called her Jo.

"So," She said. "What are you going to be doing after school?"

He hesitated for a moment. He was going to be working after school and he knew that most people including Jo, thought that he worked too much. Sometimes he even believed them, but he knew that he was never going to get anywhere in life if he just sat around all the time.

"I'm gonna be working this afternoon." He answered.

"Tylar." She huffed. "You work too much. You're going to work yourself to death if you keep this up. What will you do if you have a really bad asthma attack out in one of those fields?"

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